

May 28, 2008
hi everyone my name is gary and i come from england.
gotta say after looking around the site quickly i already feel like an old fart!
i am 47 and married to Anita.

Have a passion for sport ,history and politics.
was a proper leftie in my younger days but am now more in the centre of politics now.

Would like a better understanding of US politics should hopefully get that here

Anyway just a brief intro, hopefully will join in the debates fairly soon
thanks for the welcome! no irish in me I'm afraid although did work there for a little while and now work for an irish company in england, does that help! :-)
hi everyone my name is gary and i come from england.
gotta say after looking around the site quickly i already feel like an old fart!
i am 47 and married to Anita.

Have a passion for sport ,history and politics.
was a proper leftie in my younger days but am now more in the centre of politics now.

Would like a better understanding of US politics should hopefully get that here

Anyway just a brief intro, hopefully will join in the debates fairly soon

Nice to have you, my limey friend!
No offense meant...I just like saying that.
hi everyone my name is gary and i come from england.
gotta say after looking around the site quickly i already feel like an old fart!
i am 47 and married to Anita.

Have a passion for sport ,history and politics.
was a proper leftie in my younger days but am now more in the centre of politics now.

Would like a better understanding of US politics should hopefully get that here

Anyway just a brief intro, hopefully will join in the debates fairly soon

Hey Gary, welcome. I'm new here myself, only have a couple of days posting. Don't feel TOO old, I've got quite a few years on you. Hope you enjoy yourself around here, seems to be a good place to hang.:cool:
hi Scotsman, just found it browsing around, with two of us on board we may just be able to hold our own against the americans!!

Hello Gary . . . glad you're here.

From: Here We Go in Texas
Firstly, welcome, I hope you will enjoy the forums and post lots especially with a Euro point of view.
hi Scotsman, just found it browsing around, with two of us on board we may just be able to hold our own against the americans!!

We also have moderator extraordinaire 9Sublime who is from Oxford. Drop him a line, very friendly bloke he is.

I'm feeling a sudden strong urge to jump on a horse and yell, "The redcoats are coming! The redcoats are coming!"

Welcome, gazanita. You can probably tell by now that we're as abnormal a group of human beings as there is on the net.