Giggles and dumbo let in millions many criminals and terror suspects

You hate helping non Americans.
Jesus does not approve
Lol your really a true moronic idiot.
First you do not believe in God or any religion I know of .And you know I'm on the fence .
So let's look at your statement.
Helping others is fine we send aide all over the world . Helping others has nothing to do with petting in millions of illegals and you know it you pathic waste of skin.
Now how many have you taken in Are you housing feeding them sharing your home paying for their medical care and child care .
Your the one crying help them help them Jesus wants you to.
Your low even for a liberal.
Lol your really a true moronic idiot.
First you do not believe in God or any religion I know of .And you know I'm on the fence .
So let's look at your statement.
Helping others is fine we send aide all over the world . Helping others has nothing to do with petting in millions of illegals and you know it you pathic waste of skin.
Now how many have you taken in Are you housing feeding them sharing your home paying for their medical care and child care .
Your the one crying help them help them Jesus wants you to.
Your low even for a liberal.
Your hate aga8nst illegals is obvious
Jesus doesn't approve