Well-Known Member
Ah, yes. Looks like the presidents policies are working.
With all the praise fellow Dems are giving to this administration regarding the economic numbers, which are now just beginning to show signs of slight improvement, I have to wonder if they will want to spread the word on this latest example of government for your own good. I’m certain the 53%’ers will want to hear about this. Nothing helps to inspire faith in government like watching your tax dollars at work.
The USDA Food and Nutrition Service is providing “Outreach Grants” of up to $75,000 to non-profit organizations and others to improve access to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP for short, but better know as food stamps) by low-income persons and families.
Yes, sir. The government is offering valuable cash and prizes - well, OK, just cash – to those that can build up the base of food stamp (now a plastic card) users.
Apparently, this administration does not feel that 46 million Americans on food stamps, or one out of every seven, is a big enough number. That is up about two-thirds from four years ago. The government spent a record $71.8 billion on the program in the last fiscal year, or about 12 percent of the national grocery bill.
Of course, the liberal/progressive/statist types will howl when this program is criticized by someone who may have been a venture capitalist, or maybe even by someone that simply wears sweater vests. After all, anyone who gets worked up over things like increased deficit spending or an increase of people on government assistance must be a heartless, mean spirited capitalist.
Isn't Socialism Grand?
If the statists keep this going, the 99% will ALL be using food stamps...won't that be wonderful? Food will be FREEEEEEEEEE......YIPPEE!!!!!!!