George Will's Bad-Case O' "Reefer Madness"

Mr. Shaman

Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2007
"Inside the green neon sign, which is shaped like a marijuana leaf, is a red cross. The cross serves the fiction that most transactions in the store -- which is what it really is -- involve medicine.

The Justice Department recently announced that federal laws against marijuana would not be enforced for possession of marijuana that conforms to states' laws. In 2000, Colorado legalized medical marijuana. Since Justice's decision, the average age of the 400 persons a day seeking "prescriptions" at Colorado's multiplying medical marijuana dispensaries has fallen precipitously. Many new customers are college students.

Customers -- this, not patients, is what most really are -- tell doctors at the dispensaries that they suffer from insomnia, anxiety, headaches, premenstrual syndrome, "chronic pain," whatever, and pay nominal fees for "prescriptions." Most really just want to smoke pot.

"By mocking the idea of lawful behavior, legalization of medical marijuana may be more socially destructive than full legalization."
You'd think "conservatives", like Will, would be more-concerned with politcally-pertinent issues (rather than faux-indignation over others' lifestyles), when dealing with his (obvious) case of terminal-boredom.​
There is a ground swell of parents finding the benefits Marijuana for their children with Autism. If the medical profession would look at the holistic benefits and do some serious R & D about the potential benefits then who knows what they might find and who know how it might be controlled.

There are many a plant derivative prescription drug on the market now;)