Well-Known Member
Greetings and please hold your applause till the end... 
About Me:
I'm not a Democrat. I'm also not a Republican - at least not by choice.
I choose to identify myself as CaLiCo. Like ingredients in food, I have them labeled from greatest to least: Capitalist, Libertarian, Conservative, and I vote for whoever comes closest to embracing those Ideals; free markets and limited government to maximize individual liberty.
Both parties have their own strengths and weaknesses, as frequently pointed out, but neither party seems willing to take the "Buck stops here" approach and own up to their own party's many failures...
The search for intelligent (as apposed to name calling and finger pointing) political discourse has led me here. I read through some of the forum topics, I saw relatively few spam-bots (posters regurgitating their party's talking points completely devoid of substance) and I was pleased to see so many cogent and well researched opinions.
Politics should never be about arguing, it should always be about agreeing. There are facts to support both sides of every argument, so I prefer dealing with the facts supporting those positions - I could care less about someones noble intentions or emotional appeals - Once we have all the facts, we can attempt to whittle away at the fringe till only the heart of the issue or policy, along with the universally agreeable facts, are all that remains.
I pledge to never call people names, presume to know their emotional state, their "true" intentions about topics, guess at their ulterior motives, or otherwise be intentionally derogatory towards people I happen to disagree with. I find all those things entirely irrelevant to any political conversation, not to mention a despicable tactic for silencing timid opposition, and I hope others will extend this same courtesy to me.

About Me:
I'm not a Democrat. I'm also not a Republican - at least not by choice.
I choose to identify myself as CaLiCo. Like ingredients in food, I have them labeled from greatest to least: Capitalist, Libertarian, Conservative, and I vote for whoever comes closest to embracing those Ideals; free markets and limited government to maximize individual liberty.
Both parties have their own strengths and weaknesses, as frequently pointed out, but neither party seems willing to take the "Buck stops here" approach and own up to their own party's many failures...
The search for intelligent (as apposed to name calling and finger pointing) political discourse has led me here. I read through some of the forum topics, I saw relatively few spam-bots (posters regurgitating their party's talking points completely devoid of substance) and I was pleased to see so many cogent and well researched opinions.
Politics should never be about arguing, it should always be about agreeing. There are facts to support both sides of every argument, so I prefer dealing with the facts supporting those positions - I could care less about someones noble intentions or emotional appeals - Once we have all the facts, we can attempt to whittle away at the fringe till only the heart of the issue or policy, along with the universally agreeable facts, are all that remains.
I pledge to never call people names, presume to know their emotional state, their "true" intentions about topics, guess at their ulterior motives, or otherwise be intentionally derogatory towards people I happen to disagree with. I find all those things entirely irrelevant to any political conversation, not to mention a despicable tactic for silencing timid opposition, and I hope others will extend this same courtesy to me.