Florida House panel rejects ban on buying junk food stamp Ban


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Florida House panel rejects ban on buying junk food stamp Ban
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -- A Florida House panel has rejected a proposal to ban using food stamps to purchase sweets, potato chips and other junk food.
An appropriations subcommittee on Monday stripped the provision from a bill (HB 1401) that also would ban welfare recipients from using debit-like cards to access cash benefits outside of Florida or at strip clubs, liquor stores, bars and gambling establishments.
The panel then approved the truncated bill 9-5.
Several members who voted for it, though, warned the sponsor they would oppose a similar Senate bill (SB 1658) that still contains the food stamp provision if it should pass in that chamber or any effort to restore the ban to the House version.
Opponents of the proposed food stamp limits said it would infringe on recipients' freedom of choice.

This is how i feel on unfair sales taxes

Thank You DNC for pressuring the panel. DNC are the bosses of the Democratic party. Democratic politicans must do what the DNC chairman says or they wont give you any money towards your re-election campaign. Thats just the way it is,,You government RNC or DNC chairman is the boss! If you ignore him and vote your way the party wont fund you re-election campaign. It takes money to elect you int0 office TV and Newspaper ads ARE NOT FREE!!! Advertisting is a business just like everything else is. If you dont use campaign ads you wont get elected into high office. Just like i wanna become The Mayor of Baltimore so i can attract more sports there. Baltimore needs the NBA,NHL and MLS !
Heres more that shows Florida is becoming like Nazi Germany

Heres more

Hows that for the 1st amendment? Just like how Hitler dealt with issues like free speech

This is the true American flag