Faux News claim 149 million Americans are unemployed


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Washington state
Actually the figure is closer to 15 million: http://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.nr0.htm

Looks like the "fair and balanced" channel has done it again. Not only are they shamefully biased but they're idiots as well....explaining why they appeal to the right.


Wow, you're such a genius... FOX left out a decimal point, 14.9 million, and the radical leftist jackals pounce and laugh like hyenas.
Wow, you're such a genius... FOX left out a decimal point, 14.9 million, and the radical leftist jackals pounce and laugh like hyenas.

Too bad the reputation system is turned off, you could give me a negative rep...what a shame lol

Yeah sure, I bet this was nothing but a simple mistake...like referring to discredited Republicans Foley and Sanford as Democrats.

These "mistakes" continue to pile up, the list goes on and on, Faux knows that they're dealing with a RW audience that is for the most part, shall we say, mentally challenged....and they believe anything and everything they see on their favorite "news" channel.
Too bad the reputation system is turned off, you could give me a negative rep...what a shame lol.
It is a shame, that system cut both ways and therefore gave a fair account of who contributed the most to the forum and who contributed the least, in terms of substance.

Yeah sure, I bet this was nothing but a simple mistake...like referring to discredited Republicans Foley and Sanford as Democrats.
In the case of missing a decimal point, yes, its very clearly a clerical error. Unless your a Left Wing Radical nutcase with a conspiracy theory to push.

These "mistakes" continue to pile up, the list goes on and on, Faux knows that they're dealing with a RW audience that is for the most part, shall we say, mentally challenged....and they believe anything and everything they see on their favorite "news" channel.
Take a look at the average Obama voter:

Their collective political intelligence wouldn't overflow a thimble. They had no idea what Obama stood for (other than "change") or any of his political positions on matters of policy.

Howard Stern went so far as to ascribe McCains positions to Obama and the Obama "supporters" explained why they agreed with the policy positions:

Clearly you lefties get most of your political news from Jon Liebowitz (Stewart) and Saturday Night Live.
Actually the figure is closer to 15 million: http://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.nr0.htm

Looks like the "fair and balanced" channel has done it again. Not only are they shamefully biased but they're idiots as well....explaining why they appeal to the right.



Yes, FOX NEWS dropped a decimal point BUT ALL the National LEFTIST news media dropped its honor , its pride , all morality , and as a result their RATINGS ave fallen lower than one of Barney Franks CHINS!
No wonder you guys are on the ungodly side of every moral issue!mmm,mmm,mmm Obama! lol,lol
yawnnnnnnnnnn.....oh I see Liberals and Conservatives are going at it again. Just like a derange married couple. Like in the movie "War of the Roses" Hopefully it will be the same ending. :)
Fox is sloppy like this regularly. You can't even count the number of times Republicans have been turned into Democrats there.
Wow, you're such a genius... FOX left out a decimal point, 14.9 million, and the radical leftist jackals pounce and laugh like hyenas.

You think it was an honest mistake? You're better then that.

It always amazes me how the most intelligent poster's on this board flock to defend their "side".

the Media is pure propoganda, for one side or the other. It's funny how they only make "clerical errors" when it pertains to something that can be used to drive public opinion.

clerical error...:rolleyes:
Just a mistake!
Fox is the only big network currently that is fair and balanced.
The others carry a liberal agenda!
Sure Fox's coverage of Tiller was certainly "fair & balanced." Where are all the Cons about language inciting violence with that case?

They jumped on the "ACORN man on the inside of the White House", which turned out to be wrong. Have they retracted that story and had everyone of their personalities say they should have corroborated their ONE source's claim.

They also make these "mistakes" regularly. I remember during the Dem nomination when there was talk of Lincoln/Douglas style debates between Obama and Clinton. Fox put up pictures of Lincoln and FREDERICK Douglas. What a bunch of blithering idiots.