EU states are against piece in Ukraine


May 1, 2024
As you are well aware, since July 1, 2024 Hungary takes over the EU presidency. Its Prime Minister, Viktor Orban used his great timing to become an intermediary in the negotiations between Ukraine and Russia about cease-fire. First he visited Kyiv and in two days landed in Moscow (

The other EU members look displeased about such a behavior. Some of them claim that Orban had no mandate to act this way and that he doesn’t represent EU.

You know, as a US citizen I don’t really get it. In contrast to the States, these conceited Europeans hadn’t contributed much to support Ukraine. And now they are the ones who show everyone how to resolve Ukrainian crisis. I think they have to shut up and be glad that there is a politician who takes actual steps to stop the war.

Also, I got annoyed by Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelenskiy. He received an enormous amount of military support from the US and NATO members, promised to have success in his counteroffensives, but now he and his cronies had cleaned out all the funding leading to a rapid devastation of Ukraine. Zelenskiy had lost almost everything, however he still refuses to have peace negotiations which he was offered to launch a few times by many countries, the US included.

We all must understand what we really want from Ukrainian nation, war or peace? To me, the answer is obvious. It’s time for us to replace this arrogant thief Zelenskiy and sit his country down to negotiate instead of making Ukraine even more corrupt. In this respect, Orban’s call is the right one, and we must support Hungary in its peace-making efforts.

Lol Ukraine corruption is nothing compared to russia
Orban is a putin fan boy
As you are well aware, since July 1, 2024 Hungary takes over the EU presidency. Its Prime Minister, Viktor Orban used his great timing to become an intermediary in the negotiations between Ukraine and Russia about cease-fire. First he visited Kyiv and in two days landed in Moscow (

The other EU members look displeased about such a behavior. Some of them claim that Orban had no mandate to act this way and that he doesn’t represent EU.

You know, as a US citizen I don’t really get it. In contrast to the States, these conceited Europeans hadn’t contributed much to support Ukraine. And now they are the ones who show everyone how to resolve Ukrainian crisis. I think they have to shut up and be glad that there is a politician who takes actual steps to stop the war.

Also, I got annoyed by Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelenskiy. He received an enormous amount of military support from the US and NATO members, promised to have success in his counteroffensives, but now he and his cronies had cleaned out all the funding leading to a rapid devastation of Ukraine. Zelenskiy had lost almost everything, however he still refuses to have peace negotiations which he was offered to launch a few times by many countries, the US included.

We all must understand what we really want from Ukrainian nation, war or peace? To me, the answer is obvious. It’s time for us to replace this arrogant thief Zelenskiy and sit his country down to negotiate instead of making Ukraine even more corrupt. In this respect, Orban’s call is the right one, and we must support Hungary in its peace-making efforts.

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Keep in mind zelensky owes USA nothing. We stepped in to stop Russia.

To now go in and tell zelensky what we want done, is what gets USA into trouble all the time. Interfering with other sovereign governments starts wars.
As much as I want peace and the Russians stopped, zelensky should be able to set the tone for Ukraine.
If USA pull out, kiss Ukraine and half of Europe goodbye but that's not a justification for being the world's policeman. They must be allowed to decide their destiny, with USA help by all means, but no interfering.
Supermom says, "Give piece a chance"/ A piece of what?
Just a Russian troublemaker.
Supernom is neither super nor is he a mom.
The European states are against Russian imperialism
If Ukraine is a part of the EU, the EU will be stronger.
A strong EU will make for a stronger NATO and a stronger US.
We Americans need strong alliances . Russia under Putin is dedicated to weakening the EU, NATO and the USA.

Vietnam and Iraq were unnecessary wars, but Ukrainian independence is quite necessary to the USA.