How to end the debt problem instantly! I stumbled on the answer yesterday and it is very very simple.
The Problem: Gov spending has created a huge amount of debt. This has resulted in a giant invasive repressive Gov with associated loss of personal rights by citizens.
The Gov Solution: Supposedly to cut spending and raise taxes forcing the brunt of the irresponsible conduct on the tax payers... again. But according to the Constitution, Gov debt is not transferable to the citizens. Citizens are not liable for Gov debt, the Gov is liable.
Here is the real solution: The Federal Gov has lots and lots of assets. They have oil lands, timber, and tons of acreage. They own mortgages, and treasuries, and oil reserves and gold reserves. ITS TIME TO LIQUIDATE SOME ASSETS!
Oddly this solution has never been suggested by any politicians. But if you got into debt, you would have to sell off your assets. But the Federal Gov claims to be in debt but they don't want to touch their assets and that is exactly what they should do. It would be painless. Gov could continue its liberal bloat, they could spend like there is no tomorrow and they have plenty of assets to back up every dime of debt. This would put land and assets into the private sector and the economy would grow.
Instead of oil leases which return nothing, sell those oil lands to speculators at auction. Sell Yellowstone to companies that could run it for a profit. Sell the Cape Canaveral space center. Sell the Indian's their own reservations.
They could knock down 4 trillion of debt a year without raising taxes, without cutting their reckless spending. Gov would shrink and overhead would be reduced.
This whole idea that the Gov has a lot of debt is a lot of trash. They come running to the taxpayer when they have plenty of assets to cover all of their reckless years of conduct.
just sayin