Drop Biden or Lose.

Stray Bullet

Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2024
Those are the only two options for democrats. Throw the god damn idiot overboard. Democrats always got rid of their politicians, while republicans didn’t, but for things like a joke photo or revenge porn from an angry boyfriend. But now that there’s quite possibly the biggest disgrace of candidate they could possibly ever have they’re going to stand by him? UNBELIEVABLE.
Those are the only two options for democrats. Throw the god damn idiot overboard. Democrats always got rid of their politicians, while republicans didn’t, but for things like a joke photo or revenge porn from an angry boyfriend. But now that there’s quite possibly the biggest disgrace of candidate they could possibly ever have they’re going to stand by him? UNBELIEVABLE.
Who do you think should replace him and why?
That's what I thought.
Anyone. It’s obvious he’s the worst candidate ever at this point. It’s why I didn’t address you. Even Morning Joe, Biden’s favorite person in news, is calling on him to step down essentially. Anyone who thinks Biden can still win is an idiot or they don’t really care if Trump wins in November.
Anyone. It’s obvious he’s the worst candidate ever at this point. It’s why I didn’t address you. Even Morning Joe, Biden’s favorite person in news, is calling on him to step down essentially. Anyone who thinks Biden can still win is an idiot or they don’t really care if Trump wins in November.
I disagree. How would it help democrats to change leaders now? That's Political suicide.
Who cares what morning Joe says.

I don't know that he can't win and if you're judging his ability and record on a poor debate performance, it's a very poor calculation to pick a POTUS. He has the runs on the board. Forget about the Palestinians. They don't vote here.
I disagree. How would it help democrats to change leaders now? That's Political suicide.
Who cares what morning Joe says.

I don't know that he can't win and if you're judging his ability and record on a poor debate performance, it's a very poor calculation to pick a POTUS. He has the runs on the board. Forget about the Palestinians. They don't vote here.
This isn’t about Palestinians, although I wish it was, but something much less debatable. I hate morning Joe. But the reason I hate him is why Joe Biden loves his show. Everything has fallen apart for the Biden campaign. All that’s left is a useless old man barely standing with only his ego. Not enough Americans are going to vote for that. And Trump has the leverage now. Trump will probably refuse to debate him a second time because he doesn’t have to. Trump looks good and Biden looks bad to the superficial majority of American voters who actually decide the election (not people like you and me). If this election is about saving democracy then we need to put our best foot forward. And Biden will not win no matter what so we might as well go out kicking and screaming if he decides to damn us all with his candidacy. There needs to be mass protests. Anything to get the message across. Because our establishment politicians are either too scared to stand up to him or never actually cared about anything. Either way it’s up to the voters to get the message out there for him to drop out every chance they can until it officially is too late I guess. But it is not. The convention hasn’t even happened yet. And when it does there’s still going to be Gaza protests at it. Biden already gave the democrats that problem within their base and now there’s this. It’s over for him whether he’s the candidate or not and I’d call that a fact.
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This isn’t about Palestinians, although I wish it was, but something much less debatable. I hate morning Joe. But the reason I hate him is why Joe Biden loves his show.
How do you know he loves the show?

Everything has fallen apart for the Biden campaign. All that’s left is a useless old man barely standing with only his ego.
Joe Biden has an ego???
You have to be kidding.

Not enough Americans are going to vote for that. And Trump has the leverage now.
The polling, if you believe it, doesn't show that. Because Trump lied his way through the debate means nothing.trump has no credibility if his recent crimes etc are considered.

Trump will probably refuse to debate him a second time because he doesn’t have to. Trump looks good and Biden looks bad to the superficial majority of American voters who actually decide the election (not people like you and me).
You're making a generalisation for which there is no evidence. It's those filthy electoral college votes which decide the election.

If this election is about saving democracy then we need to put our best foot forward.
The sad part is out of 330 million, that's the best we've got. Changing a Democrat candidate now is political suicide and an admission the original candidate is a failure. That would be the case if everything was judged by a debate result. Biden has 40 years experience in govt, Trump has none.

And Biden will not win no matter what so we might as well go out kicking and screaming if he decides to damn us all with his candidacy.
Brace yourself because he won't be going anywhere. He is still the best chance we have.

There needs to be mass protests. Anything to get the message across.
I disagree. How do you think that would look after Trump folly in j6? It's a different situation but rallies and protests mean nothing.

Because our establishment politicians are either too scared to stand up to him or never actually cared about anything.
The point here is there's no reason to stand up to him. He's done nothing wrong. It's the GOP are the gutless POS. Trump runs their party and has done for 4 years, multiple court cases, 2 impeachments and electoral fraud yet they refuse to piss him off.

Either way it’s up to the voters to get the message out there for him to drop out every chance they can until it officially is too late I guess. But it is not. The convention hasn’t even happened yet.
I disagree and it won't happen.

And when it does there’s still going to be Gaza protests at it. Biden already gave the democrats that problem within their base and now there’s this. It’s over for him whether he’s the candidate or not and I’d call that a fact.
You might be there waving your terrorism flag but no one else cares about them. 9/11 cemented the hatred for them forever.
How do you know he loves the show?

Joe Biden has an ego???
You have to be kidding.

The polling, if you believe it, doesn't show that. Because Trump lied his way through the debate means nothing.trump has no credibility if his recent crimes etc are considered.

You're making a generalisation for which there is no evidence. It's those filthy electoral college votes which decide the election.

The sad part is out of 330 million, that's the best we've got. Changing a Democrat candidate now is political suicide and an admission the original candidate is a failure. That would be the case if everything was judged by a debate result. Biden has 40 years experience in govt, Trump has none.

Brace yourself because he won't be going anywhere. He is still the best chance we have.

I disagree. How do you think that would look after Trump folly in j6? It's a different situation but rallies and protests mean nothing.

The point here is there's no reason to stand up to him. He's done nothing wrong. It's the GOP are the gutless POS. Trump runs their party and has done for 4 years, multiple court cases, 2 impeachments and electoral fraud yet they refuse to piss him off.

I disagree and it won't happen.

You might be there waving your terrorism flag but no one else cares about them. 9/11 cemented the hatred for them forever.
You’re just evil. You see all Muslims as terrorists and don’t try to deny it after what you said there. People do care about them. And I know Morning Joe is Biden’s favorite show because if you pay attention to news reports then you’d know him and Joe Biden call each other all the time and he even advises Biden. And this guy used to be a Republican and still sort of is. Get your head out of your ass. You’re going to lose to Donald Trump if Biden is the candidate and then you’re going to look really stupid. With Gaza I acknowledged the idea that maybe it was possible he wouldn’t lose over that but this debate changes everything. It’s a fact now that he’s going to lose.
You’re just evil. You see all Muslims as terrorists and don’t try to deny it after what you said there. People do care about them.
Not evil son. Just a realist.
Here's another one. If a terrorist attack in USA happens in the future, it "could" be one of those Muslim Taliban passengers that were evacuated when Biden pulled out. Don't laugh about that because it's happened twice before.

And I know Morning Joe is Biden’s favorite show because if you pay attention to news reports then you’d know him and Joe Biden call each other all the time and he even advises Biden.
Yeah sure he does and Joe's minders don't get a say. Grow up. How would act programme know what is happening in the oval office.

And this guy used to be a Republican and still sort of is. Get your head out of your ass.
I know exactly who he was.dud it occur to you that Biden could be using him? Like Trump uses fix? Duuuuh.

You’re going to lose to Donald Trump if Biden is the candidate and then you’re going to look really stupid.
I said before, it won't affect me in the slightest. It will take a trump again for USA to realise what a bunch of dickheads they are for voting him in.
With Gaza I acknowledged the idea that maybe it was possible he wouldn’t lose over that but this debate changes everything. It’s a fact now that he’s going to lose.
It is not a fact other than it confirms your hatred over deaths of some Muslim terrorists. Sound familiar?
banana-gun[1].gif It’s obvious he’s the worst candidate ever at this point.
April 7, 2024
"If the rematch between Joe Biden and Donald Trump were decided based on who enacted more of their legislative agenda, the race would already be over.

After he took the oath of office in 2017,
Trump squandered nearly every opportunity to be a bipartisan president."
April 7, 2024
"If the rematch between Joe Biden and Donald Trump were decided based on who enacted more of their legislative agenda, the race would already be over.

After he took the oath of office in 2017,
Trump squandered nearly every opportunity to be a bipartisan president."
So bad legislation ids good . lol you can keep tooting your horn about dementia joe all you want all it will do is make you look stupid,