Donald Trump will moderate a GOP debate


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Real estate mogul Donald Trump has agreed to moderate a GOP presidential debate in Des Moines, Iowa, a week before the Iowa caucuses, the New York Times reported.

The debate is sponsored by conservative magazine and news Web site Newsmax and will air on Dec. 27 on Ion Television, a cable network.

“Our readers and the grassroots really love Trump,” Newsmax chief executive Christopher Ruddy told The New York Times. “They may not agree with him on everything, but they don’t see him as owned by the Washington establishment, the media establishment.”

As of yet, no candidates have confirmed to the media that they will participate in the debate, but campaign watchers suggested it would be unwise to turn down the invitation

Its about time to keep those damn reporters quiet. Reporters they dont just report the news like Walter Cronkite did. Walter Cronkite never expressed opinons outta his head. He never favor nether party. Just like when JFK ran for president he didnt report biased stuff to favor JFK get elected,,,Nor he wasnt biased against Nixon nether. And he sure didnt say biased stuff to favor LBJ get elected,,,And he wasnt biased against Barry Goldwater nether. He reported politics straght down the middle he reported as he saw it. Now we have Donald Trump so we dont need any favoritsm or against candadates like CNN does,MSNBC Does,NBC News Does,ABC News Does or even CBS News. Trump will morderate without biased questions. If any reporter get out of line he will eject him or her,,Just like former Governor Jessie Ventura went to WWE to ref a special match. He said if anyone uses a chair or a sledgehammer he will disquilfy them. He disquilfied Eddie Gurrieo for using a chair into ring. Trump will call it right down the middle.
yay birther craziness can have its day again with the one of mindless republican trolls

Anyone who questions BO's birthplace is mindless according to pockets.

This from a guy who believes Christians are just as murderous as Muslims, taxing the wealthy will fix everything, man-made global warming, Reagan had nothing to do with ending the USSR, conservatives want all old and sick people to die, conservatives are racists, deficit spending is wonderful, government creates jobs, government controlled healthcare is great, and on and on and on and on and on...............................................................................................
Anyone who questions BO's birthplace is mindless according to pockets.

This from a guy who believes Christians are just as murderous as Muslims, taxing the wealthy will fix everything, man-made global warming, Reagan had nothing to do with ending the USSR, conservatives want all old and sick people to die, conservatives are racists, deficit spending is wonderful, government creates jobs, government controlled healthcare is great, and on and on and on and on and on...............................................................................................

I mean just because the hospital named on the long form didn't exist as that name until years after his birth is no reason o scratch one's head....
Anyone who questions BO's birthplace is mindless according to pockets.

This from a guy who believes Christians are just as murderous as Muslims, taxing the wealthy will fix everything, man-made global warming, Reagan had nothing to do with ending the USSR, conservatives want all old and sick people to die, conservatives are racists, deficit spending is wonderful, government creates jobs, government controlled healthcare is great, and on and on and on and on and on...............................................................................................

to the first part, yes they are

to the 2nd kill that straw man, go at it boy!
to the first part, yes they are

to the 2nd kill that straw man, go at it boy!

Do you know what "strawman" means? It appears you do not from this post.

IMO you are an expert at the strawman many radical lefties.

Do you disagree with my post above? I listed a few of your beliefs based on posts you have made here at the HOP.

Are you now claiming they are NOT your beliefs????
In Other words,,,Your not allowed to mention Religion beliefs or other subjects that liberals want to hear. If one reporter does this Trump will cut off his mic and sent him home.