Donald Trump offers supporters $299 assassination attempt-themed sneakers


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
once a huckster...always a huckster..

the man has no shame

"..As surely as Donald Trump sought to cash in on his various criminal indictments, so the former president turned Republican presidential nominee began to sell merchandise commemorating his attempted assassination in Pennsylvania last weekend.


Despite such traumatic events, 45Footwear, a company which has sold $399 golden Trump-branded sneakers, swiftly offered a new range of high-tops.

Rather more pricey than unofficial assassination merch churned out in China, the $299 white shoes were emblazoned with the US flag, an image of Trump with fist raised and face bloodied and the words “Fight Fight Fight” – his instant reaction to being shot..."

i would describe this latest wheeze as completely tasteless.. but that point was passed long ago...

comrade stalin
the arsenal of failing democracy