Dispatches Channel 4: Muslim Schooling


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2007
Dispatches on Channel 4: Muslim Schooling

The documentary annoys me. The comments written have annoyed me more, you've watched an hour long documentary and you think you've got Islam and Muslims figured out? You don't know the half of it to be honest; a few people can’t represent a religion. I'd love to see a documentary on a churches, temples, gurdwaras or synagogues. I'm sure there are bad aspects of all these places but really doubt that they would make it on air. Don’t just judge on something you know so little about. The documentary although proving sight full is causing more grief then good.
Head teacher Mujahid Aziz said the school had been misrepresented, and the school had nothing to hide. The programme had completely misrepresented the school's teachings, Mr. Aziz said. Out of two years of teachings, the programme makers had taken a few incidents and shown them again and again, he said. "It's a clear misrepresentation of what we actually do," Mr. Aziz claimed. The media seems to be always on us.
I watched this programme and thought it was grossly biased reporting. It stood on the side of the EDL and David Cameron's witch hunt against all those Muslims from segregated communities and understood nothing about the reality of living in poor communities in the north of England. Since we can't all live in tolerant cities like Oxford, then we need to take some time to understand what it's like living amongst impoverished Brits. Impoverished by unemployment, drugs, underage sex, racism and nostalgia for a past before Pakistanis lived here. Would anyone from Oxford want to be mixing with 'them sort' of people? Probably not. Why should we force to befriend them, when they hate us and have always hated us? Why not stop blaming Muslims for everything and ask yourself the question - how many Muslims have I bothered to get to know? To tolerate? To understand? Secondly, it is not illegal to smack children. If you mark them, that's another issue. None of these children were marked. It is their parents who should have the last say, not me, you or Tazneer Ahmad or John Ware BBC Panorama.

Dispatches are clearly trying everything to turn people away from Islam. Why don't they show the child abuse that goes on in western schools? It was only a few years ago the head masters used to do the same thing, but however Islam is the fastest growing faith in the whole wide world. Whys that I wonder? Maybe because it’s the truth and people what to know the truth.

Dispatches on Channel 4 TV showed in a high praised state funded Muslim school that children as young as 11 are being taught to keep away from Hindu and non-believers, and turned against Jews and Christians. Why no protests about Jewish schools. They preach the same racial intolerance.
The entire old testament is basically the Jews saying we can kill anyone coz we are superior, and the sad thing is they actually did kill everyone they could(they said they did), and the Christians plain old ignore this fact. Jesus cared so much about non Jews he never left Palestine.

The program made me proud of mosque schools. Out of 2000 mosque & Muslims supplementary schools, you were able to spot only two schools and two teachers who were hitting physically students or teaching hate. You kept going for 4 years but had to reshow the same clips several time because you could not collect many to confirm your theory. We will try to improve. The percentage of churches and state schools who sexually abuse children and scar them for life are countless. Your program only creates hate and division within the community when you generalize from two incidents. What a wasted money & years of your team work. Such dangerous dispatches should be banned to protect our community. A report from the NSPCC claims that, “One in four people in the UK, aged between 18 and 24, claims to have experienced severe violence, sexual abuse or neglect as a child”. This illustrates that child abuse is still, regrettably, endemic in British society and is not unique to Muslim institutions. “Such abuse is to be condemned wherever and whenever it takes place and needs a multi-agency approach to tackle it, Muslim schools will continue to put the protection and well-being of our children at the top of the list of priorities, but we can’t do it alone and it is both unreasonable and unjust to focus on Muslim institutions in the way that Dispatches has done.”
A lot of the issues shown happen in a lot of state run schools across all religious and class affiliations but you just want to undermine and misrepresent Islam by parading a few Idiots who obviously haven't understood Islamic teachings properly but apply cultural practices. Islam is the only system that welcomes people of all colour, creed, class, status, race and background Peace.
This programme seemed to fuel the already existing anti-Muslim campaign that has been running over the last few years. It would be interesting to know who the programme was funded by as the views and the portrayal were extremely biased. In all parts of society there will always be extreme views but instead of tarnishing a whole community with the bracket of anti-integration or anti British, the extremists should be dealt with accordingly. It is a shame that the point of the programme was to expose the unacceptable growing hatred that is being preached within these select schools. Unfortunately instead of tackling this issue the programme only seemed to be hypocritical by in its own way preaching hatred against Muslims and tarnishing a whole community on the actions of an uneducated small minority. Could this be a show of anti –Islamic propaganda in modern day society?
There are sinister agendas at work in Western nations and I wonder if they are using Islam to foment trouble?
On the other hand BBC and Channel 4 TVs have never shown that Muslim children have been victim of Islamic-bashing for the last 60 years in British schooling. They have been victim of racism, bullying and discrimination. Schools, LEAs and DEF tried their best to hide this kind of abuse under the carpet. Indiscipline, bullying, incivility, binge drinking, drug addiction, gun and knife crimes, teenage pregnancies and abortion are part and parcel of British schooling. Majority of schools encourage young children to have sex and abortions. Muslim community sees the West as decadent and immoral. They will see West as morally bankrupt animals, needing to be trained.
These are the reasons why majority of Muslim parents would like to send their children to Muslim schools with Muslim teachers as role models during their developmental periods. Only less than 5% attend Muslim schools and more than 95% keep on attending state and church schools to be mis-educated and de-educated by non-Muslim monolingual teachers.

British schooling is the home of institutional racism and British teachers are chicken racist. Non-Muslim teachers are not role models for the Muslim children during their developmental periods. British schooling has been in the process of producing racist young generations, who not only hate each other but also hate those who are different in colour and creed. Due to racism in British schooling, young Muslim children are unable to develop self-esteem and self-confidence. All of them suffer from identity crises. They do not know where they belong. In the name of integration, they find themselves cut off from their cultural roots and are unable to enjoy the beauty of their literature and poetry. Pakistani children suffer more than others. Majority of them leave schools with low grades. They are unable to enjoy the beauty of Urdu literature and poetry. There is a dire need that bilingual Muslim children should be educated in state funded Muslim schools with bilingual Muslim teachers. There is no place for a non-Muslim child or a teacher in a Muslim school.
There are hundreds of state and church schools where Muslim children are in majority. In my opinion, all such schools may be opted out as Muslim Academies.
Iftikhar Ahmad
I could easily make a hour video with radical Christians, warped ideas that they hold that most Christians don't. and make it look like they are all crazy homicidal nut jobs. Problem many have of many faiths is they know theres well ( or sometimes don't even know there own that well just believe it strongly ((even more dangerous and a symptom often found in Radicals)) And what they know about other faiths comes from very little research, or research that focuses only on what they want to find out IE..you think Islam is about Murder and hate...they read a book...or watch a clip, or read a web site that feeds them what they want to hear...and since it backs up what they already think...its true...set in stone.

I have read a book on the life of Mohammad...a book on Ibn Abd-al-Wahhab, books on the how all three branches on the three faiths of the book spread and started...and also how fundamentalism in all three did the same....
Yet some who know one 10th of that, will make wild claims about what they "know"
I could easily make a hour video with radical Christians, warped ideas that they hold that most Christians don't. and make it look like they are all crazy homicidal nut jobs. Problem many have of many faiths is they know theres well ( or sometimes don't even know there own that well just believe it strongly ((even more dangerous and a symptom often found in Radicals)) And what they know about other faiths comes from very little research, or research that focuses only on what they want to find out IE..you think Islam is about Murder and hate...they read a book...or watch a clip, or read a web site that feeds them what they want to hear...and since it backs up what they already think...its true...set in stone.

I have read a book on the life of Mohammad...a book on Ibn Abd-al-Wahhab, books on the how all three branches on the three faiths of the book spread and started...and also how fundamentalism in all three did the same....
Yet some who know one 10th of that, will make wild claims about what they "know"

PLEASE..don't get me started..lol
REPOST...This is what I think about Muhammed/Islam and you can decide whether I'm "vilifying" thim.

But, remember, to "vilify" someone, what you say has to be untrue. It's not vilification if it's the truth.

I am just a guy on a message board reporting on what I have found. I know a few people here would like to think I'm advocating hatred, but I'm not. They just don't like what I have to say, that's all. Well, life is rough all around, I guess. Personally, I think Christ got it right, and he transcended hatred. I, on the other hand, am just an imperfect, unenlightened sinner, but I do deeply believe that the truth will set you free, so that's my quest. Pretty simple, really.

So, as for what I have to say about Muhammed, don't anyone take my word for it. Please, do your own DD, and then tell me what part of this is untrue....

First, Muhammed was a war-monger.

Second, for a prophet, he didn t have much of a clue, to wit: When Jabril appeared to him, he thought it was the jinn, which were the Arab pagan gods (or demi-gods - whatever). What kind of prophet doesn't even recognize when God is talking to him? Moreover, he didn't even understand who Abraham, Moses and Jesus were until the Jews explained it to him. Yet he claims Islam is intended to set the record straight, because the Jews and Christians got it all wrong. How can that be if he didn't have any clue about the people he was talking about and had to rely on the Jews to help him interpret what God was telling him?

Third, in "reciting" the Koran, he promulgated, if you will, thousands of very repetitive verses that fall into two basic categories: warnings as to what will happen to the unbelievers; and instructions on what to say to the Christians and Jews. But, he didn't separate them, as two distinct themes. Rather, he intertwined these verses, so that they alternate. That maximizes the chance of blurring the distinctions, and maximizes the chance of confusing the Christians and the Jews with the unbelievers. And, clearly, that is exactly what has happened. But, if these two sets of ideas were intended to be distinct and different, then why not either say so or separate them? That's no accident, because this technique is repeated over and over and over throughout the Koran. By so-doing, it creates a tone - an impression - that is anti-Judeo-Christian without explicitly saying so. As a form of political brainwashing, it's truly ingenious.

Fourth, the Koran deconstructs both Judaism and Christianity. It does not deconstruct the "self" (i.e., the "believer"). This is why there has never been any real, serious exegesis of the Koran in 1,300 years. (In contrast, Christianity entered modernity when the Reformation brought about a new, critical deconstruction.) But, the Koran simply does not lend itself to it, because it eschews introspection. The greater emphasis is placed on condemning others. And this is yet another reason why there is virtually no criticism or questioning of the Koran: the downside risk of being labeled an "unbeliever" is too severe. And infidels, of course, are dealt with harshly. Consequently, the substance and tone of the Koran tend to operate to encourage people to point fingers at everyone else, lest someone point fingers at them first. IMO, what you see in the Islamic world today is the natural by-product of this kind of thinking, and it all came out of the mouth of Muhammed.

Fifth, the Koran is only part of a wider body of literature, known as hadith, that is based on what Muhammed said and did. When you look at the hadith, you see all the violence - you see all the references to jihad fi sabil Illah (jihad in the path of God) that are clearly military efforts, and not merely the more innocuous version of jihad, i.e.,"striving" (though, even striving, it turns out, is not completely innocuous, but I'll omit that discussion here). So, here you have Muhammed characterizing his battles against others as jihad in the path of God. What more need I say? In the aftermath of 9/11, you see the Islamic world trying to play down the non-Koranic hadith (in statements for western consumption, that is) because it's not pretty. But, go check out the hadith for yourself, and then ask whether I am vilifying Muhammed. He did it all to himself. I'm just the messenger.

Sixth, the Koran and hadith, as I'm sure everyone realizes by now, is also a political blueprint. It comes with its own set of laws, known as Sharia, which includes some barbaric punishments. It also devotes a good amount of attention to the who, what, when, where and why of waging war. The world is divided into two camps: Dar al-Islam (House of Islam) and Dar al-Harb (House of War). All lands that are ruled according to Muslim law are Dar al-Islam and all lands ruled by anyone else (e.g., the U.S.) are Dar al-Harb. This is Muhammed's grand and enlightened world view. You might want to contrast that with the teachings of Christ or Buddha. But, because the Koran is also a political/legal document, you can go pick up a Muslim newspaper here in the U.S. and read for yourselves the ongoing discussions about whether Muslims should accept the U.S. Constitution only conditionally, and only to the extent that it conforms to the Koran. Read these discussions for yourselves; I have.

Seventh, the Koran, ontologically, incorporates a notion of "justice for this physical plane of reality. But, I would suggest to you that it is justice without mercy. Read the Koran and hadith for yourselves, and decide for yourselves how much mercy is contained in it. I think it is merciless. But, if you think about it, we wouldn't need justice at all if we all had mercy. Now, granted, both are ideals that we strive for in an imperfect world, and we don't achieve either with anything close to perfection. However, that does not change the fact that one of those ideals is "higher" than the other. If we had mercy, we would not need justice. But, note how the converse is not true: if we have justice, we still need mercy. ( And earthly power doth then show likest God s, when Mercy seasons Justice. - The Merchant of Venice)

The fact that mercy is not achieved with perfection is not a justification for abandoning mercy in favor of justice, because justice can not be achieved with perfection either. So, in abandoning mercy in favor of justice, all we have really done is abandoned a higher ideal for a lesser one. The world will still be imperfect, only now it is pursuing a lesser ideal. That is clearly an inferior ontology. Anyway, Christ preached mercy, but Muhammed derogates mercy in favor of justice - when he's not busy fighting wars, that is.

I'll finish with a few thoughts and some of my own conclusions:

I have a friend and he is a Muslim. As I was giving him a ride home, we were talking about the Iraq situation, and had an interesting and friendly discussion. He's a nice guy, and all that. And I guess one would say he has a lot of "western" values. He believes in God, but isn't very religious, and most of his friends here in the U.S. are not Muslim. But, the fact is that he's a hell of a lot more enlightened that Muhammed ever was. And, I know he's not the only one, but I would have to say the same thing about other Muslims like him - they are all far more enlightened than Muhammed, and more enlightened than the Koran itself. So both my friend and I are sort of in the same boat - we both are more enlightened than Muhammed, and we both are less enlightened than Christ. More power to anyone who seeks enlightenment, but you won't find it in the life of Muhammed, because we've already surpassed him, and that includes my friend.

To put it another way, based on my reading of the Koran, hadith, and the life of Muhammed, I don't think the militant extremists are the ones who have corrupted the Koran. I think they have it exactly right. I think it's the Muslims, like my friend those who actually believe in getting along with others - who have "corrupted" the Koran. I applaud them for doing it, obviously. It warms my heart to see the Kurds in northern Iraq creating such a civilized community for themselves amidst all the surrounding violence and turmoil, and despite all that has been done to them. I applaud all of that. But, Muhammed wouldn't applaud it, so let's just be clear about that. And that is what makes Islam dangerous: the closer you get to its core - the closer you get to the hadith and to Muhammed - the more dangerous it gets. Yet, this enduring seed is impenetrable. It's like trying to get rid of a wart; you can try to get rid of the dead skin and the "growth," but until you drill down and get that virus that's at the root, it keeps coming back.

There's an expression: the problem with communism is communism, but the problem with capitalism is capitalists. Whether you agree with that or not, the point it is trying to make is that, with communism, it is the idea itself that is flawed; with capitalism, on the other hand, it's not the idea that is flawed, but the way it is practiced. (Again, I'm not interested in anyone arguing about whether that's true; the point is to see the kind of distinction being drawn.) Well, I would say the same thing about Islam and Christianity: the problem with Islam is Islam, and the problem with Christianity is Christians. In other words, Christianity would be a really great thing if people actually emulated Christ, but they don t always. But, for all the peace-loving Muslims out there (and I don't deny they are out there) who believe in religious tolerance, and love and compassion even for non-Muslims - for all of them, Muhammed is not someone to be emulated, but, rather, someone who must be overcome. I do agree that there is an important epistemological distinction that must be made..but to bring the two together, Christians need to uncover Christ, while Muslims need to bury Muhammed.

Dispatches on Channel 4: Muslim Schooling

The documentary annoys me. The comments written have annoyed me more, you've watched an hour long documentary and you think you've got Islam and Muslims figured out? You don't know the half of it to be honest; a few people can’t represent a religion. I'd love to see a documentary on a churches, temples, gurdwaras or synagogues. I'm sure there are bad aspects of all these places but really doubt that they would make it on air. Don’t just judge on something you know so little about. The documentary although proving sight full is causing more grief then good.
Head teacher Mujahid Aziz said the school had been misrepresented, and the school had nothing to hide. The programme had completely misrepresented the school's teachings, Mr. Aziz said. Out of two years of teachings, the programme makers had taken a few incidents and shown them again and again, he said. "It's a clear misrepresentation of what we actually do," Mr. Aziz claimed. The media seems to be always on us.
I watched this programme and thought it was grossly biased reporting. It stood on the side of the EDL and David Cameron's witch hunt against all those Muslims from segregated communities and understood nothing about the reality of living in poor communities in the north of England. Since we can't all live in tolerant cities like Oxford, then we need to take some time to understand what it's like living amongst impoverished Brits. Impoverished by unemployment, drugs, underage sex, racism and nostalgia for a past before Pakistanis lived here. Would anyone from Oxford want to be mixing with 'them sort' of people? Probably not. Why should we force to befriend them, when they hate us and have always hated us? Why not stop blaming Muslims for everything and ask yourself the question - how many Muslims have I bothered to get to know? To tolerate? To understand? Secondly, it is not illegal to smack children. If you mark them, that's another issue. None of these children were marked. It is their parents who should have the last say, not me, you or Tazneer Ahmad or John Ware BBC Panorama.

Dispatches are clearly trying everything to turn people away from Islam. Why don't they show the child abuse that goes on in western schools? It was only a few years ago the head masters used to do the same thing, but however Islam is the fastest growing faith in the whole wide world. Whys that I wonder? Maybe because it’s the truth and people what to know the truth.

Dispatches on Channel 4 TV showed in a high praised state funded Muslim school that children as young as 11 are being taught to keep away from Hindu and non-believers, and turned against Jews and Christians. Why no protests about Jewish schools. They preach the same racial intolerance.
The entire old testament is basically the Jews saying we can kill anyone coz we are superior, and the sad thing is they actually did kill everyone they could(they said they did), and the Christians plain old ignore this fact. Jesus cared so much about non Jews he never left Palestine.

The program made me proud of mosque schools. Out of 2000 mosque & Muslims supplementary schools, you were able to spot only two schools and two teachers who were hitting physically students or teaching hate. You kept going for 4 years but had to reshow the same clips several time because you could not collect many to confirm your theory. We will try to improve. The percentage of churches and state schools who sexually abuse children and scar them for life are countless. Your program only creates hate and division within the community when you generalize from two incidents. What a wasted money & years of your team work. Such dangerous dispatches should be banned to protect our community. A report from the NSPCC claims that, “One in four people in the UK, aged between 18 and 24, claims to have experienced severe violence, sexual abuse or neglect as a child”. This illustrates that child abuse is still, regrettably, endemic in British society and is not unique to Muslim institutions. “Such abuse is to be condemned wherever and whenever it takes place and needs a multi-agency approach to tackle it, Muslim schools will continue to put the protection and well-being of our children at the top of the list of priorities, but we can’t do it alone and it is both unreasonable and unjust to focus on Muslim institutions in the way that Dispatches has done.”
A lot of the issues shown happen in a lot of state run schools across all religious and class affiliations but you just want to undermine and misrepresent Islam by parading a few Idiots who obviously haven't understood Islamic teachings properly but apply cultural practices. Islam is the only system that welcomes people of all colour, creed, class, status, race and background Peace.
This programme seemed to fuel the already existing anti-Muslim campaign that has been running over the last few years. It would be interesting to know who the programme was funded by as the views and the portrayal were extremely biased. In all parts of society there will always be extreme views but instead of tarnishing a whole community with the bracket of anti-integration or anti British, the extremists should be dealt with accordingly. It is a shame that the point of the programme was to expose the unacceptable growing hatred that is being preached within these select schools. Unfortunately instead of tackling this issue the programme only seemed to be hypocritical by in its own way preaching hatred against Muslims and tarnishing a whole community on the actions of an uneducated small minority. Could this be a show of anti –Islamic propaganda in modern day society?
There are sinister agendas at work in Western nations and I wonder if they are using Islam to foment trouble?
On the other hand BBC and Channel 4 TVs have never shown that Muslim children have been victim of Islamic-bashing for the last 60 years in British schooling. They have been victim of racism, bullying and discrimination. Schools, LEAs and DEF tried their best to hide this kind of abuse under the carpet. Indiscipline, bullying, incivility, binge drinking, drug addiction, gun and knife crimes, teenage pregnancies and abortion are part and parcel of British schooling. Majority of schools encourage young children to have sex and abortions. Muslim community sees the West as decadent and immoral. They will see West as morally bankrupt animals, needing to be trained.
These are the reasons why majority of Muslim parents would like to send their children to Muslim schools with Muslim teachers as role models during their developmental periods. Only less than 5% attend Muslim schools and more than 95% keep on attending state and church schools to be mis-educated and de-educated by non-Muslim monolingual teachers.

British schooling is the home of institutional racism and British teachers are chicken racist. Non-Muslim teachers are not role models for the Muslim children during their developmental periods. British schooling has been in the process of producing racist young generations, who not only hate each other but also hate those who are different in colour and creed. Due to racism in British schooling, young Muslim children are unable to develop self-esteem and self-confidence. All of them suffer from identity crises. They do not know where they belong. In the name of integration, they find themselves cut off from their cultural roots and are unable to enjoy the beauty of their literature and poetry. Pakistani children suffer more than others. Majority of them leave schools with low grades. They are unable to enjoy the beauty of Urdu literature and poetry. There is a dire need that bilingual Muslim children should be educated in state funded Muslim schools with bilingual Muslim teachers. There is no place for a non-Muslim child or a teacher in a Muslim school.
There are hundreds of state and church schools where Muslim children are in majority. In my opinion, all such schools may be opted out as Muslim Academies.
Iftikhar Ahmad

I agree we should all have the right to the school of our choice..I guess we can agree on somthing..
