Check out
this garbage. A mailer, similar to this, has been received by voters in SC. It basically calls John McCain a traitor.
This is nothing but a cowardly act, done by many of the same people, headed by Jerry Kiley and Ted Sampley, that were involved in swift boating John Kerry.
Every time I think politics can't get any dirtier, it does just that.
I voted for Senator McCain in 2000 primary, to be honest. I salute his service, I feel deep compassion for what it must have been like for him in Viet Nam.
The internet is a great resource, and a great curse at the same time. The "swift-boaters" may be, as in 2004 with Senator Kerry, a group of legitimate vets, with a view that they perceive as one that should be shared. When there is a "media darling" the in-depth examination of these issues is simply not going to happen.
Right now John McCain is a media darling. When so much of the media is endorsing either Clinton or Obama, their modest support for McCain is questionable, at best. But as a Viet Nam War veteran, and a former POW, questioning anything about his service years is off limits. For now.
If he becomes the Republican nominee for President, it won't matter whether he is running against Clinton or Obama. After the conventions and the final campaign for the White House begins, it won't matter. He will be fair game, the media
will turn on him, and all the nice talk now will be history.
It's sad, but the media playing nice with him now is misleading. I'm not at all sure he's any where near up to the fight he'll face: either the Clinton/Media campaign, or the Obama/Media campaign. Whoever the Republican nominee is will face the same thing. Other candidates won't have been lulled into a false comfort zone though, and will know what they're up against going in. Swift-boating? Internet claims and accusations? Child's play to what McCain will face come September.
Some in these posts claim he's a Democrat. He's not. He is centrist and/or liberal on many issues, but not a Democrat by any stretch. I've several problems with his positions on issues, personally. But whether he's a hero or not, or whether his service was 100% honorable or a bit tarnished is not at issue.
Dirty politics though? Hold on - you ain't seen nothin' yet.