Dick Cheney; Still Tryin' To Scare Little-Children...

Mr. Shaman

Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2007
"“When we get people who are more concerned about reading the rights to an Al Qaeda terrorist than they are with protecting the United States against people who are absolutely committed to do anything they can to kill Americans, then I worry,” Cheney said in the interview published Wednesday."

Not to worry, DICK!

There are COMPETENT-people runnin'-the-show, now..... "without "any losses."

You are so blind. I guess so many dirty bombs have gone off in yer pants, one more from Al Qaeda wouldn't be noticed by you.
Easy there Shaman. Dick's the type of guy who doesn't like to be proven wrong. He might even pick up the phone and give Bin Laden a jingle if he needs a command-performance to prove "he was right".

You just gotta wonder about any man named "Richard" who choses in this day and age to not be called "Rick" or "Rich", but instead opts for "Dick".

His subconscious is advertising something about itself in this choice. Words to the wise. Don't provoke Dick, else there probably will be a "terrorist attack" arranged and special-delivered to America.
Easy there Shaman. Dick's the type of guy who doesn't like to be proven wrong. He might even pick up the phone and give Bin Laden a jingle if he needs a command-performance to prove "he was right".

You just gotta wonder about any man named "Richard" who choses in this day and age to not be called "Rick" or "Rich", but instead opts for "Dick".

His subconscious is advertising something about itself in this choice. Words to the wise. Don't provoke Dick, else there probably will be a "terrorist attack" arranged and special-delivered to America.

Oh, now Obama can just call one of his relatives to tap bin-laden on the shoulder and whisper in his ear "time for more terror attack on US brother"...
Well we have my scenario which is based on an alarming base of mounting evidence (google "Bush" and "Bin Laden") and yours which is based on somehow Obama being directly in touch with Bin Laden by having an absentee father who was born in Africa....and a hippie mom who dragged him around to an Indonesian islamic villiage for a couple of years on her exotic-man adventures. ..and somehow that connects him to oil terrorists.

I'd say the BigOil-texan with the already-documented ties to shady arabs and the illicit oil monopoly is the more likely to have direct contact with...well...those he's already been in contact with...on the record no less...lol..
Well we have my scenario which is based on an alarming base of mounting evidence (google "Bush" and "Bin Laden") and yours which is based on somehow Obama being directly in touch with Bin Laden by having an absentee father who was born in Africa....and a hippie mom who dragged him around to an Indonesian islamic villiage for a couple of years on her exotic-man adventures. ..and somehow that connects him to oil terrorists.

I'd say the BigOil-texan with the already-documented ties to shady arabs and the illicit oil monopoly is the more likely to have direct contact with...well...those he's already been in contact with...on the record no less...lol..

Don't forget the little trip to Paaaaaaahkistan that BO took. Oh, and Obama, Osama? A little too close for comfort. And "Hussein"? Ooof!

Google Obama Bin-Laden for all kinds of conspiracy theories such as your Bush/Cheney "mounting evidence"...
1979 Is the year that G.W. Bush formed "Arbusto" (Spanish for shrub or bush) Energy company. James Bath financed it with $50,000 in return for 5% of the company. Bath was the only US business rep for Osama Bin Laden's brother Salim Bin Laden. After 9-11, Bush denied even knowing Bath but later admitted the business arrangement. Bath was also connected to the BCCI, which had defrauded investors of over $10 billion through the 1980's. BCCI funded Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistanâs fight against the Soviet Union, and helped fund operations in the Iran-Contra, guns for drugs affair which also tied in with Central America during the elder Bush's Vice Presidency.

1981-1989 Bush Sr. was US Vice President. In 1986 G.W. Bush, son of then Vice president G.H.W. Bush, merged his Arbusto Energy company with Harken Energy Corp. Saudi Sheik Abdullah Taha Bakhsh then bought into the company, buying 17.6%. The Saudi Sheik was associated with Khalid bin Mahfouz, who inherited Salim Bin Ladin's interest when He died in 1988. From several different angles, the bush family was tied to the Bin Laden family, passing finances back and forth, making G.W. Bush an indirect financier of Osama Bin Ladin. Mahfouz reportedly attempted in 1999 to transfer $3 million to Osama.
Source: http://www.rense.com/general30/cart.htm
This guy either did the research or pulled this stuff out of thin air. Which do you think can be demonstrated via public records, Obama's supposed connection with Bin Laden or Bush's? Which one would come closer?

If you think about it, Bush would've sued this guy's pants off if he thought he could bear the burden of proof that you allege... that it's made up. Yet there it is, to this day, still on the internet for all to see.. You'd think there'd be defamation money for Bush in that lawsuit.

I'd say owning a business with the Bin Ladens would've put Obama at a bit of a disadvantage in the last election. Nobody seems to care that Bush traded money on a regular basis with the Bin Ladens...no greater corrupter than money..

Are you saying Bush and Salem BIN LADEN weren't in business together? That it is a conspiracy theory? That there are no public records showing this to be true?
Reminds me of back in 2006 when the Department of Homeland Security came to my neck of the woods with a full media entourage. A 757 worth of suits and cameras flew into my backwoods village to see "the front lines and speak with those who would be the first responders in a bird flu pandemic."

Michael Chertoff, and a bunch of others from DHS, making sure the media gets pictures of them shaking hands with the locals and taking low fives from the local kids. Not a single person from the CDC to talk to us. Media all over the place asking everyone what preperations we had for bird flu.
"Arent you concerned about the influx of migratory birds and the possibility of a pandemic in the Bristol Bay region?" I was asked by someone from the AP.
I replied that I was more concerned about the media circus and DHS coming to my town than a handful of brants and some eiders flying over from Asia.
Needless to say, I never got published...
The message from DHS was, to continue to hunt, just cook the meat thoroughly.
Well DUH!
Either I'm slow waking up today or your metaphor is too vague.:cool:

Are you saying that the Bin Laden and Bush financial ties are just mundane coincidences?

Sort of like how Prescott Bush's financial dealings with the Third Reicht in WWII...all just some hyped up nothing?

I dunno. I think people who ignore compelling patterns of facts are as looney as those who jump too quickly to make them something that they're not. Yep, equally as looney.

When you have an elephant walk through your living room with several people there reporting the same thing. Do you convene a tribunal to actually discover if there was an elephant walking through your living room (because it's not ordinary or usual to expect) or do you just shrug your shoulders and admit to each other "yep, that's what it was alright"..?

There's a Bush family pattern in trading with the enemy of our nation...of close ties to the enemy in the grandfather (the nazis), Dubya's daddy (Iran contra) and Dubya (Al Qaida via the Bin Ladens).

There it is, and elephant in plaid shortpants. Now whatcha gonna do with it? Bury it? How crazy is that?

"It is time for you to desist or to be made to desist. With damnable words you protect no American, you serve no American and you aid and abet those who would destroy this nation from within or without.

... Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!"​
