Democrats Broke Their Promise And Lied Again!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Federal minimum wage rising this week

By JESSE J. HOLLAND, AP Labor Writer 22 minutes ago

WASHINGTON - Fast-food waitress Fawn Townsend of Raleigh, N.C., knows exactly what she is going to do if her salary goes up with Tuesday's increase in the federal minimum wage: start saving for a car so she can find a second job to make ends meet.

"My goal personally is to get a vehicle so I can independently go back and forth to work and maybe pick up extra work so I can have that extra income, because minimum wage is not cutting it," said Townsend, who is 24 and single.

"Being a single person, you can't pay all your bills with one minimum wage job."

Many lawmakers, along with advocates for low-wage workers, are celebrating the first increase in the federal minimum wage in a decade. Yet many acknowledge that raising it from $5.15 an hour to $5.85 will provide only meager help for some of the lowest paid workers.

About 1.7 million people made $5.15 or less in 2006, according to the Labor Department's Bureau of Labor Statistics.

"The reality for a minimum wage worker is that every penny makes a difference because low-wage workers make the choice between putting food on the table and paying for electricity or buying clothes for their children," said Beth Shulman, former vice president of the United Food and Commercial Workers Union.

"Saying that, it's clear going up to $5.85 is not enough to really make sure that people really can afford the things that all families need," said Shulman, author of "The Betrayal of Work: How Low-Wage Jobs Fail 30 Million americans."

Democrats Raise the minimum wage to $5.85 an hour. They Promised to Raise it to $7.25 an hour And THIS IS IT!!! IM VOTING RIGHT BACK TO THE REPUBLICAN PARTY AGAIN!!! Democrats had their second chance and THEY BLEW IT!!
Wait, you're angry that they didn't raise the minimum wage as much as you wanted them to raise it by, so you're going to vote for the party that probably won't raise it at all?

Don't get me wrong, they ought not to make promises they know they can't keep (and IIRC, the've kept 0 so far), but your logic seems a little circuitous here.
You heard it all from them! When they say one thing they really mean another. Like how do we really know hillary is gonna keep the troops in Iraq? When she gets elected she might really mean theyre comming home and then Iraq gets Invaded by IRAN. Is she really gonna protect America from Terrorist? Ill bet when she gets elected she Shuts down the NSA and then Al Queda goes in LA and blows a Dirty Bomb there. Or North Korea launches a Nuke at us then Who will really get the blame? NOT GEORGE BUSH!! Because we never had an attack since 9-11.
All raising minimum wage does is raise inflation, it will offset anyway, therefore it will not help anyone at all.
Federal minimum wage rising this week

By JESSE J. HOLLAND, AP Labor Writer 22 minutes ago

WASHINGTON - Fast-food waitress Fawn Townsend of Raleigh, N.C., knows exactly what she is going to do if her salary goes up with Tuesday's increase in the federal minimum wage: start saving for a car so she can find a second job to make ends meet.

"My goal personally is to get a vehicle so I can independently go back and forth to work and maybe pick up extra work so I can have that extra income, because minimum wage is not cutting it," said Townsend, who is 24 and single.

"Being a single person, you can't pay all your bills with one minimum wage job."

Many lawmakers, along with advocates for low-wage workers, are celebrating the first increase in the federal minimum wage in a decade. Yet many acknowledge that raising it from $5.15 an hour to $5.85 will provide only meager help for some of the lowest paid workers.

About 1.7 million people made $5.15 or less in 2006, according to the Labor Department's Bureau of Labor Statistics.

"The reality for a minimum wage worker is that every penny makes a difference because low-wage workers make the choice between putting food on the table and paying for electricity or buying clothes for their children," said Beth Shulman, former vice president of the United Food and Commercial Workers Union.

"Saying that, it's clear going up to $5.85 is not enough to really make sure that people really can afford the things that all families need," said Shulman, author of "The Betrayal of Work: How Low-Wage Jobs Fail 30 Million americans."

Democrats Raise the minimum wage to $5.85 an hour. They Promised to Raise it to $7.25 an hour And THIS IS IT!!! IM VOTING RIGHT BACK TO THE REPUBLICAN PARTY AGAIN!!! Democrats had their second chance and THEY BLEW IT!!

Why is it that the examples people use to justify policy never match what they are trying to prove?

I am starting to think that maybe there are no poor people deserving of our sympathy since even the libs don't make them into poster children.

Take this lady for example:

They say she is a minimum wage worker. But waitresses actually earn less than minimum wage. That is the main reason we give them tips. The restaurant is mandated to give extra if their tips don't bring them up to minimum wage. But here is the rub. Their tips alway bring them above minimum wage but because they are tipped largely in cash they don't declare much of there income so as not to pay taxes on the amount above minimum.

So what is the result for a waitress if the minimum wage goes up? She will still be paid less than minimum wage for her base salary. She will still get the same amount of tips. But she will have to pay taxes on the amount up to the new minimum wage while earning no more.

About 1.7 million people made $5.15 or less in 2006, according to the Labor Department's Bureau of Labor Statistics.

1.7 mil? Isn't that just about as many teenagers that there are working at fast food places?

I mean 1.7 mil out of 360 mil. = what percentage?

Are there really any adult workers supporting a family on minimum wage?
First of all, the minimum wage will be raised to $7.25, or whatever dollar amount they decided on. They are just raising it incrementally. I believe the next raise will take it up to around $6.45 or so. Secondly, it is not the governments job to set the wage that people work for. That should be negotiated between the employer and employee. What if your work is worth more than the minimum wage? Then your employer is only required to pay what the government says it should. Thirdly, if you're not a high schooler and you are making minimum wage... then I don't know what to tell you, except that you are probably a loser that is not worth being paid any more than minimum wage. I know that sounds harsh, but I made the minimum wage for about a month, when I got my first job in high school before I got my raise.


Democrats Raise the minimum wage to $5.85 an hour. They Promised to Raise it to $7.25 an hour And THIS IS IT!!! IM VOTING RIGHT BACK TO THE REPUBLICAN PARTY AGAIN!!! Democrats had their second chance and THEY BLEW IT!!

How many times are you willing to go back and forth between the two before you get fed up with both of them?
If they done things by the EURO we get a much higher salary. Look why Gas prices are high. I bet OPEC has em set by the Euro currency is why gas is $3 a gallon. The Us Standard price for gas is $1.87 a gallon The Euro adds another dollar on it thats why its almost $3 a gallon. So why dont the US Create a new Currency The North American Dollar Which is done in combo of US,Canada and will Replace the Mexican Peso. North American Dollar will bring Salaires up too! And Prouduct prices down.
If they done things by the EURO we get a much higher salary.

But then things will cost more.

Look why Gas prices are high. I bet OPEC has em set by the Euro currency is why gas is $3 a gallon.
This is a wikipedia page so there is a possibility that everything on it is not accurate, but it should give you a good idea.

The Us Standard price for gas is $1.87 a gallon The Euro adds another dollar on it thats why its almost $3 a gallon. So why dont the US Create a new Currency The North American Dollar Which is done in combo of US,Canada and will Replace the Mexican Peso. North American Dollar will bring Salaires up too! And Prouduct prices down.

Why do you have the confederate flag as your avatar? I wouldn't think that having a North American Union is something you would be in favor of. Also, it would do the US no good to involve ourselves with Mexico's poverty and corrupt government. We can barely handle our own.

You just say this stuff to get a reaction don't you? I don't care why you are voting republican, your vote will help the country more than if it went the other way, but I doubt you mean it.
You just say this stuff to get a reaction don't you? I don't care why you are voting republican, your vote will help the country more than if it went the other way, but I doubt you mean it.

I mean every word i said. Thats what politics and voting is about. If you dont think the party is doing a good job by representing you and keeping their word you elected them into office just vote em back out and put someone else in.
If they done things by the EURO we get a much higher salary. Look why Gas prices are high. I bet OPEC has em set by the Euro currency is why gas is $3 a gallon. The Us Standard price for gas is $1.87 a gallon The Euro adds another dollar on it thats why its almost $3 a gallon. So why dont the US Create a new Currency The North American Dollar Which is done in combo of US,Canada and will Replace the Mexican Peso. North American Dollar will bring Salaires up too! And Prouduct prices down.

Clearly you haven't been to europe lately. You think $3 gas is expensive, spend a bit of time driving around there and you will be glad to get back to $3 US gas.
In the UK, in my area (according to a website), the average prices are as follows:

Unleaded Diesel LRP Super
The Highest price in this area: 100.2p 100p 101.9p 104.9p
The Average price in this area: 97.6p 97.7p 100.9p 103.1p
The Lowest price in this area: 95.9p 95.9p 99.8p 101.9p

If we call everything on average £1, then you are paying $2 a litre. 1 litre is 0.22 of a gallon, so you are paying $9 to the gallon.

Steveox, your head really is in the clouds when it comes to a lot of issues. Maybe you should listen a bit more.