Democrat governor of NY claims that stupid black kids do not know the word computer


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2024

For once I agree with a dumocrap, lol and if they get a free college ebdcationz they still won't know wordz not coded in ebonics

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul apologized this week after saying there are Black kids in the Bronx who don't know what the word "computer" means.

Hochul made the remarks during an address at the Milken Institute Global Conference in Los Angeles, California.
So she exaggerated, and that was no big deal. There is no way that anyone can say that they know what a whole bunch of other people don't know. It was an illogical dumb remark and she apologized for saying it. Why bore us with stupid crap like this, Tripoli?
So she exaggerated, and that was no big deal. There is no way that anyone can say that they know what a whole bunch of other people don't know. It was an illogical dumb remark and she apologized for saying it. Why bore us with stupid crap like this, Tripoli?
Actually she did not exaggerate as many black kids only speak Ebonics of which computer is not a word in that language. So as sad as it is she is correct and you can't accept what your own party says. The fact is that 50% of black kids only use computers to shop for $2,000.00 sneakers to sell Fentanyl in
So she exaggerated, and that was no big deal. There is no way that anyone can say that they know what a whole bunch of other people don't know. It was an illogical dumb remark and she apologized for saying it. Why bore us with stupid crap like this, Tripoli?
Too many racist white Democrats stupidly claim blacks are too stupid to get voter IDs.
The percentage of Blacks addicted to Fentanyl and other drugs is close to the percentage of Whites.
The problem of getting an ID is more difficult for many Black people here in Miami because they get their driver's licenses revoked because they could not pay for car insurance. And then there is the problem with getting a birth certificate.
People in low paying jobs often cannot get time off to spend the day waiting in line to get licenses and certificates.
The whole process has been meticulously examined by the GOP with the express purpose of preventing poorer people, including Blacks, from voting.
The percentage of Blacks addicted to Fentanyl and other drugs is close to the percentage of Whites.
The problem of getting an ID is more difficult for many Black people here in Miami because they get their driver's licenses revoked because they could not pay for car insurance. And then there is the problem with getting a birth certificate.
People in low paying jobs often cannot get time off to spend the day waiting in line to get licenses and certificates.
The whole process has been meticulously examined by the GOP with the express purpose of preventing poorer people, including Blacks, from voting.
Democraps claim it is more important to blacks for voting securities to be eliminated than it is for every vote to be verified as legitimate.
That makes no sense at all. n Florida, everyone has to show a photo ID to vote.
Florida has proven that blacks can easily obtain voter IDs and that voter IDs do not negatively impact black voter turnout. The whole anti-voter ID narrative is designed by lying leftist Democrats to promote protections for voting fraud.