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Lilly, I gave you names, dates and places to make it very easy to verify everything I have said.

Here, let me hold your hand and see if I can help you understand research.  Take for example, my entry:

1090 CE: AlMoravids occupied all of Andalus except Saragossa and Balearic Islands.

I go to google and do a search for al moravids.  The search yields around 80 hits most of which idenify al moravids as islamic warriors, where they were from and what they did.  There is little argument among the sources and most verify that at or around 1090 they occupied most of spain.  This verifies my statement.  If you believe I have presented questionable facts, then go down the list date by date, name by name, place by place and see that I have not fabricated one bit of information.  Then try and jibe the carnage with your fanciful golden age of islamic rule in spain.

Alright then. 

Henceforth - within this thread at least - the customary conventions of debate have been suspended by one Mr. Rider:   it is to be regarded as merely so much whining from here on, if anyone should request documentation of alleged "facts".

Clearly you don't know much about formal debate.  If I say a thing that you disagree with, or believe I have fabricated, (especially a thing in which I have provided names, dates, and places),  the onus is upon you to demonstrate that my positon is founded upon mistaken ideas.  Like I have been doing with you since this began.

