Conscience Clause

The story is from February, but it remains relevant. If abortion is all about "choice" why is the "pro-choice" crowd so bent on denying the choice of healthcare professionals to perform these actions or not.

Its not really about choice, it’s about an agenda.

In Texas a few years back Planned Parenthood wanted to make a new clinic. It was in a really conservative town and no company wanted to lay the cement foundation for their building. All the companies made a “choice” not to be part of it.

Planned Parenthood had a meltdown, and had zero respect for anyone’s choice then and they don’t know.

Those groups will not be happy until every American is stuck paying for their programs and liking it and every doctor is performing abortions and not fighting it.

It’s sick to force anyone to be part of that if they really don’t want to be a part of it. I would rather lose my license than to be part of killing a baby.

If obama changes the laws and forces doctors to perform abortions and forces catholic hospitals to do them it will be sad but it will only be till the next president with actual morals comes to office.