Conicidence, or sign of imminent doom?


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2008
So Obama is going to save us, eh? Doesn't look that way...

Obama Signs Into Law Plan to Boost Economy

President Barack Obama yesterday signed into law a plan meant to create jobs, encourage people to spend money and in general feel better about the economy.

Let's see....

The Dow sinks almost 300 points, closing less than a point above its late-November low. Economic worries may produce more stock market nadirs.
"I have never seen investor confidence lower than it is today," said Al Goldman, chief market strategist at Wachovia Securities. "The market is saying it's very unclear how we're going to solve the toxic-asset problem in banks, and it's casting a vote that it's very uncomfortable with the stimulus program."

Once again, leftist have to be schooled that socialism never works. It hasn't in the pasted, and isn't going to now.