Congressional request for Super-spy Jonathan Pollard pardon: Another example of Israe


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2010

Congressional request for Super-spy Jonathan Pollard pardon: Another example of Israel-first
November 24, 2010 posted by Michael Leon · 32 Comments

Those pushing President Obama for a pardon of Israeli spy, Jonathan Pollard, ignore the harm Pollard inflicted on the security of the United States. Do these members of Congress know anything about justice at all? Why haven’t any of them stepped up to defend Rachel Corrie, murdered by an IDF bulldozer as she non-violently attempted to block it from destroying a Palestinian home? Why haven’t they petitioned Obama to seek justice for Furkan Doğan, a Turkish American who was shot by the IDF at point blank range while lying on his back? Why hasn’t Congress properly investigated the death of 37 American citizens aboard the USS Liberty, which was attacked by Israel in 1967?
By Maggie Sager at Resisting Occupation

In one of the United States Congress’ most recent displays of “Israel First” policy, 39 Representatives, all Democrats, have requested that President Obama pardon Jonathan Pollard, an American convicted of spying for the State of Israel in 1987. Pollard is currently serving a life sentence for his crimes
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