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I suspect you are mistaking MicroSoft with Apple. Not sure what your comment has to do with with the point being made though. One of you more "informed" people made the comment about how Americans had become lazy, and dependent on government, and just plain too stupid to do the job. I used Microsoft as an example of how cheap labor was being imported INTO the country by the corporations, and you come back with this insane comment?


Now you want to blame Y2K for it, and not the greed of the corporations. Without the US exporting its jobs neither India, nor China, would be the economic powers they are. It was our technology, our innovation, and our own ignorance, that created those "monsters", and now you would whine because Americans are becoming more dependent on government.


Do you even have a clue as to how much poverty there is in either of those countries? Is it your dream, as it is for many corporations, that Americans should work for 3 dollars an hour, or even three dollars a day? Do you take pride in seeing the economy of the US destroyed by the greed of the multi-national corporation?


Try proving something I said wrong for a change with reality, not your fanciful distractions, which is the usual manner in which people of your mentality do.


Oh yeah. Obama created Y2K now, along with the poor education we have in this country. Reagan with his DoEd, and Bush with his "No Child Left Behind", had nothing to do with it.
