Coming out of retirement (for a moment)


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2008
Just thought I'd pop back in to congratulate the US for rejecting the politics of viciousness

You know, the kind of hate thy neighbour stuff that the right wing religious fundamentalists love so much

How anyone could vote for a guy who straps his dog to his roof rack and who had his dead atheist father converted posthumously to Mormonism Dawkins only knows

I supposed the retardlicans will have to console themselves with paralysing the US for four more years in the hope that they can fuck the democrats even if it is at the cost of the US economy and the health and well being of US citizens.

I bet the poor people of Iran are breathing a sigh of relief.

For now though, TFFT
Just thought I'd pop back in to congratulate the US for rejecting the politics of viciousness

You know, the kind of hate thy neighbour stuff that the right wing religious fundamentalists love so much

How anyone could vote for a guy who straps his dog to his roof rack and who had his dead atheist father converted posthumously to Mormonism Dawkins only knows

I supposed the retardlicans will have to console themselves with paralysing the US for four more years in the hope that they can fuck the democrats even if it is at the cost of the US economy and the health and well being of US citizens.

I bet the poor people of Iran are breathing a sigh of relief.

For now though, TFFT
I think you are congradulating the wrong party. The party of hate and lies won

and the poor people if Iran will continue under the boot of their crazy dictator without any support from the US, not sure the people of Iran are very happy though I am sure the dictator is very pleased
Pandora, you support a party that is happy to see your fellow citizens die because they cannot afford healthcare

You support a party that wants to take away a healthcare program that would prevent this

You support a party that wants to force women to give birth following rape.

You should really consider getting some help if you can't see how grotesque and vicious this is

And most of the people peddling this vindictive ignorant bs are Christians.

Say no more
Pandora, you support a party that is happy to see your fellow citizens die because they cannot afford healthcare

You support a party that wants to take away a healthcare program that would prevent this

You support a party that wants to force women to give birth following rape.

You should really consider getting some help if you can't see how grotesque and vicious this is

And most of the people peddling this vindictive ignorant bs are Christians.

Say no more
I know of no one who is "happy" to see someone die if they cant afford health care except for perhaps the Queen of England’s husband who said once that he wanted to come back as a deadly virus if there were reincarnation to reduce the population of the planet.

I do support life. Even the life of a murderer on death row. I respect all life not just some life. I do not expect you to understand, so that is ok but you know I have to try to explain... at least I can say I tried :)
When CNN interviewed the retardlican nominees in a televised debate where they posed the question 'if a guy is lying by the side of the road with a critical illness and no healthcare do you just let him die?'

Not one of the candidates said no and retardlicans in the audience were screaming 'let him die'

You can see it on you tube

You are a party of mad religious fundamentalists and you will never get back in the Whitehouse because your supporters are ageing nasty white men who will die soon.
When CNN interviewed the retardlican nominees in a televised debate where they posed the question 'if a guy is lying by the side of the road with a critical illness and no healthcare do you just let him die?'

Not one of the candidates said no and retardlicans in the audience were screaming 'let him die'

You can see it on you tube

You are a party of mad religious fundamentalists and you will never get back in the Whitehouse because your supporters are ageing nasty white men who will die soon.
The question you are talking about was a set-up question; there was no way to answer it in a 30 second sound bite. It would end up being twisted into a tool for the obama people. No one with a brain would take bait like that.

How is it a party of mad religious fundamentalists when perhaps 2 million Christians didn’t vote, probably because they didn’t like the religion of the Mormon running? I am neither Christian nor Mormon but I voted for him. I think Romney lost more Christian vote this time around because he was Mormon instead of fundamentalist Christian than McCain lost conservative votes because he was a moderate last time around.
There is a way to answer it

You say 'no, you do not let him die, you look after him'.

There, not difficult. The fact that you can't see that says how deranged and nasty you are.

But luckily people who think it is ok that the richest nation on earth is happy to see the poor suffer massive health problems due to their poverty are in an increasing minority.

So, it doesn't matter what you think.

I love christians and their hate they neighbour interpretation of the bible, the morons
Pandora, you support a party that is happy to see your fellow citizens die because they cannot afford healthcare

Republicans have put forth multiple ideas on the issue -- I wager you have simply not heard of any of them. You could start by reading HR 2520 from the 111th Congress to get an idea of where some Republicans want to go. Under that bill, those who cannot afford healthcare are not left out in the cold, like you claim. Your statement is absurd rhetoric that is not based on reality.

You support a party that wants to take away a healthcare program that would prevent this

Again, plans have been put forth to ensure that those who cannot afford healthcare would be fine after the repeal (which isn't going to happen anyway) of Obamacare.

You support a party that wants to force women to give birth following rape.

This is again not accurate -- and is a play straight from the Obama campaign handbook - which was called out as false by Factcheck.

You should really consider getting some help if you can't see how grotesque and vicious this is

And most of the people peddling this vindictive ignorant bs are Christians.

Say no more

You should really consider basing arguments on reality -- and not political rhetoric.
Retardlicans haven't put anything together that ensures that everyone gets healthcare. That is why they object to Obamcare. The guiding principle is that you shouldn't pay for someone elses' healthcare (whilst parading your charitable generosity - vomit)

You have a republicxan member of the science and technology committe in the house who argues that legitimate rape thwarts fertility. That is a fact and a huge percentage of retardlican supporters are militantly anti abortion. That's also a fact

You are just gainsaying what I write. You are flying in the face of what the retardlican party stands for and what will condemn it to decades in opposition.

It is a party of very right wing religious Americans and you are never going to get sane humane policies from such a group of lunatics.

Homophobic, racist, anti-science, climate-change-denying retards
Retardlicans haven't put anything together that ensures that everyone gets healthcare. That is why they object to Obamcare. The guiding principle is that you shouldn't pay for someone elses' healthcare (whilst parading your charitable generosity - vomit)

When shown to be false -- you repeat the claim. Why?

You have a republicxan member of the science and technology committe in the house who argues that legitimate rape thwarts fertility. That is a fact and a huge percentage of retardlican supporters are militantly anti abortion. That's also a fact

You are just gainsaying what I write. You are flying in the face of what the retardlican party stands for and what will condemn it to decades in opposition.

And you have a party platform and the majority of candidates that support exceptions. Again from FactCheck -- "The plain fact is, the only human life amendment that ever came to a vote in either house of Congress allowed exceptions."

You can harp on the fringe if you wish - -but the simple fact is that mainstream Republicans oppose abortion, but allow for exceptions.

It is a party of very right wing religious Americans and you are never going to get sane humane policies from such a group of lunatics.

Homophobic, racist, anti-science, climate-change-denying retards

You might bother to educate yourself on the views of self ID'd Republicans and Democrats.

You can do so here.
You are so in denial

Or delusional

You are also irrelevant. The racist, religious, discriminatory, bigoted ignorance of the republicans looks like the dinosaur that it is.

Now, haven't you got some climate change denial to be getting on with?
You are so in denial

Or delusional

I suppose I have to take this to mean you refuse to examine anything that might go against your preconceived notions.

You are also irrelevant. The racist, religious, discriminatory, bigoted ignorance of the republicans looks like the dinosaur that it is.

This is the same argument we heard in 2006 and 2008 after two bad elections for Republicans....what followed that? 2010. Republicans are no more irrelevant than Democrats.

Now, haven't you got some climate change denial to be getting on with?

Had you bothered to examine the study I posted you would have found that 40% of self identified Republicans fully believe in climate change, and 39% of that same audience thinks that it is a major, pressing issue.

Don't let any facts get in the way of your idiotic notions however -- heaven forbid one have to defend their own position.
I suppose I have to take this to mean you refuse to examine anything that might go against your preconceived notions.

This is the same argument we heard in 2006 and 2008 after two bad elections for Republicans....what followed that? 2010. Republicans are no more irrelevant than Democrats.

Had you bothered to examine the study I posted you would have found that 40% of self identified Republicans fully believe in climate change, and 39% of that same audience thinks that it is a major, pressing issue.

Don't let any facts get in the way of your idiotic notions however -- heaven forbid one have to defend their own position.

I agree that there are stupid people in both parties. . .but you have to admit that the "deniers of climate changes" are overwhelmingly Republicans. . .brainwashed by lobbyists paid by big corporations.

And, I think we have had a fruitfull debates about who today and in the foreseable future if they don't change and reject the extremists in their party, will really be irrelevants. . .and the American people have spoken (okay, not the majority of "White Men!) and have decided that the Republican Party was irrelevant at this point.

I think we basically agree why it is so. . .and what needs to be done about it: Cut off the gangrened foot (or should I say tail that "wags the dog?")
Now you're a bigrob denier

Big rob seems to think that the retardlican party is not anti abortion, is not where all the climate change denial is coming from, is not largely supported by religious fundamentalists and or angry white male racists

Hey bigrob, the moon is made of green cheese too.

I really hope retardlicans continue to think like this as it means there is even less chance of change which means an ever diminishing support base

Now you're a bigrob denier

Big rob seems to think that the retardlican party is not anti abortion, is not where all the climate change denial is coming from, is not largely supported by religious fundamentalists and or angry white male racists

Hey bigrob, the moon is made of green cheese too.

I really hope retardlicans continue to think like this as it means there is even less chance of change which means an ever diminishing support base


I have shown your statements to be false and yet here we are. I see no point in continuing to respond to you here.