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Lug nut thank you for providing your I Q level.

The christians being killed in  Nigeria are being killed by a rather well known muslim terriost group.

I do not think we are going to offer funding to a Muslim terriost groups who are trying to overthrow the government .

We are supplying aid to a nation we are allies with that were attacked by a Muslim terriost group who kidnapped 240 and killed 1200 planned to attack schools beheaded and burned baby's alive. Raped and mulated women.

Here the difference as you like to talk about differences.

The deaths of children and women in Gaza is not intentional it's one of the effects of a war .

The deaths in Israel were all done intentionally. Yes men high on drugs burned baby's and beheaded them alive raped women and cut them up.

Again you show your preference for terriost .your a hole .
