Well-Known Member
There is a book and film out right now called Philomena
It tells the true story of a nunnery in Ireland a few decades ago where women who, being shamed by becoming pregnant out of wedlock were sent by their vile christian familes
The nuns allowed these women to give birth and nurture their child until various ages 2, 3 or 4 and then they would take them from their mother and sell them to people in the US
And as if this weren't bad enough they made no backgrouns checks on the customers
And these were nuns
Trusted servants of the Roman catholic church
The favoured home for child abusers
It tells the true story of a nunnery in Ireland a few decades ago where women who, being shamed by becoming pregnant out of wedlock were sent by their vile christian familes
The nuns allowed these women to give birth and nurture their child until various ages 2, 3 or 4 and then they would take them from their mother and sell them to people in the US
And as if this weren't bad enough they made no backgrouns checks on the customers
And these were nuns
Trusted servants of the Roman catholic church
The favoured home for child abusers