Chinese greet "Oba Mao" with flaming statue, fakes


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2009
San Diego, CA
Looks like the Chinese people regard Obama as a great guy - almost as great as Chinese Chairman Mao Tse-Tung, a similarly charismatic leader who converted China to communism by force in 1949 and killed millions of Chinese civilians (mostly intellectuals, professionals, wealthy people, and anyone who dared speak out against his agenda) during the ensuing "Cultural Revolutions".

They seem to expect Obama to be the same kind of leader in the U.S.

Well, my Chinese friends... some of us expect that, too.


Chinese greet 'Oba Mao' with flaming statue, fakes

Nov 13 12:05 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer

BEIJING (AP) - The Chinese have learned English from his speeches and celebrated the way he rolls up his sleeves. Now President Barack Obama is finally coming, and he's being greeted with "Oba Mao" T-shirts and a statue of him that bursts into flames.

Sunday's arrival of a U.S. president admired for his charisma is already a source of profit and brief fame for some Chinese.

Strangest is the burning Obama, tucked away in a Beijing warehouse. Artist Liu Bolin hopes Obama can take time from his visit to drop by. "He's so hot right now, so I wanted to translate that through my work," said Liu, who was inspired by the idea of the first black U.S. president.

The bronze Obama bust is modeled on Time magazine's "Man of the Year" cover and is speckled with holes for gas that ignites every couple of minutes.

It's a positive work, Liu said.

"Yes, setting something on fire can have negative connotations, but this piece represents energy and life that Obama has given to the world," said the 38-year-old, who made a similar piece for former revolutionary leader Mao Zedong.

"We're eager to see what he can do for China and U.S. relations."

One Beijing shop owner wanted to see what Obama could do for sales. Liu Mingjie created "Oba Mao" T-shirts, with the president wearing the uniform of the Red Guards, who caused chaos during the Cultural Revolution in the 1960s.

"It's just kind of avant garde," Liu said of the images, saying they were no longer political, just fashion.

He sold hundreds of the shirts, to both foreigners and Chinese, until authorities told shops selling the shirts to stop.

"They're not allowed to sell these things because there are images of Obama wearing the uniform of the Red Army," a woman answering the phone at the Dongcheng district Administration for Commerce and Industry said Thursday.
Don't hold your breath waiting unless you look good in blue. It's weird, I'm not even an Obie fan and I can't stand Always or A Corn. :mad:

I know, its pretty sad...that was why I did my month long asking for a responce to a simple prove a point...I wish there was more right wingers on here who where not bat nut crazy obama is Hitler Birthers and such
Clipped from the article: The Chinese have learned English from his speeches and celebrated the way he rolls up his sleeves. Now President Barack Obama is finally coming, and he's being greeted with "Oba Mao" T-shirts and a statue of him that bursts into flames.

Well, let us continue to hold that adulation for as long as we are able...this well stand us in good will for all of those BILLION/TRILLIONS of dollars that we OWE CHINA and with that adulation for any and all things PRESIDENT OBAMA...the Chinese just added a couple of BILLION more to the war effort that we have going on.

And much like the Germans putting Ronnie Reagan on a pedestal {cause he was a COWBOY and anything and everything COWBOY is received like GOD WALKING THE EARTH}...if our current presidents popularity means a more open relationship with our largest LIEN HOLDER...then let us NOT ROCK THAT BOAT WITH ANYTHING PETTY :mad:

I know, its pretty sad...that was why I did my month long asking for a responce to a simple prove a point...I wish there was more right wingers on here who where not bat nut crazy obama is Hitler Birthers and such

Do you think that they just stroll in and read so many of those continual spewing posts that a couple just keep regurgitating on this forum and quietly close the door and run the other direction:confused:

"Oba Mao" t-shirt, displayed by inventor Liu Mingjie in Beijing, China

YES, MAO and obama are a perfect fit! neither believe in AMERICA or its CONSTITUTION! America is in GRAVE DANGER, not from abroad BUT from WITHIN!! To quote Larry KUDLOW of CNBC " HE ,(obama) is NOT my president",- Nor mine Mr.Kudlow and I know that MILLIONS of AMERICANS are WAKING UP. This FORUM , apparently controlled by radical leftist, is now deleting posts that challenge obama or his cronnies, SAD! but GERMANY suffered the same in the 1930's. Today this forum denies my FREE SPEECH, tommorow it will be yours! THINK!

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