Chicago crying for money due to illegals

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022

all those liberal states crying for money and complaining about illegals now that its effecting them where it counts the wallet . And you have dim wits here who encourage it and approve. Yes you know the governors and mayors will all have their hands out expecting more federal or state help . Its all great till you have to pay for it . Ask joe for it.
You don't complain when they subsidise retirement villages for cripes like you.

Yes they do.
Really im crippled and live in a subsides village. And you know that how Boris did your magic 8 ball tell you or perhaps you have psychic abilities ?
Maybe you had a vision after a enema with lsd .
Please share with us all how you know this . Amd by the way there's a differences such as every dollar spent on them takes a dollar away from money that could help feed low income people here that are AMERICAN Citizens .
Of course that is something many democrats do not care about as its not anti American .
Really im crippled and live in a subsides village. And you know that how Boris did your magic 8 ball tell you or perhaps you have psychic abilities ?
Maybe you had a vision after a enema with lsd .
Please share with us all how you know this . Amd by the way there's a differences such as every dollar spent on them takes a dollar away from money that could help feed low income people here that are AMERICAN Citizens .
Of course that is something many democrats do not care about as its not anti American .
Not interested in that but if you bother to check, retirement villages are subsidised by the government. That's socialism yet there you are hating anything resembling socialism but gladly taking it like the parasite you are.
You don't have a mental disability because you have no intelligence.
Not interested in that but if you bother to check, retirement villages are subsidised by the government. That's socialism yet there you are hating anything resembling socialism but gladly taking it like the parasite you are.
You don't have a mental disability because you have no intelligence.
Whats socialist policies got to do with letting millions of illegals into the nation duuuuu .
Whats socialist policies got to do with letting millions of illegals into the nation duuuuu .
You're moaning about the govt giving millions for refugees. Not only is it normal but it is socialism, even if you don't recognise it.
You enjoy it everyday like everyone else but don't like being reminded of it. But as soon as some refugee gets a dollar you bark like a kicked dog. You hypocrite.

You're moaning about the govt giving millions for refugees. Not only is it normal but it is socialism, even if you don't recognise it.
You enjoy it everyday like everyone else but don't like being reminded of it. But as soon as some refugee gets a dollar you bark like a kicked dog. You hypocrite.
they are not refuges' you lug nut they are illegal aliens from all over the world .You hate America so it makes sense you would like it hope you get mugged by one of them
they are not refuges' you lug nut they are illegal aliens from all over the world .You hate America so it makes sense you would like it hope you get mugged by one of them
They are refugees in spite of your label and xenophobia. After USA installed puppets etc there the persecution is to much for them.
Here is a definition of refugees. It's you who is the lug nut you fat hairy soak.

A refugee, conventionally speaking, is a displaced person who has crossed national borders and who cannot or is unwilling to return home due to well-founded fear of persecution.
They are refugees in spite of your label and xenophobia. After USA installed puppets etc there the persecution is to much for them.
Here is a definition of refugees. It's you who is the lug nut you fat hairy soak.

A refugee, conventionally speaking, is a displaced person who has crossed national borders and who cannot or is unwilling to return home due to well-founded fear of persecution.
Lol they were not being persecuted or are victims of a war or natural disaster, they Gome from socialist shat hole nations where they turned it into a shat hole to the point they cant stand it any more so they will come here and do the same and shit all over Americans .
Lol they were not being persecuted or are victims of a war or natural disaster, they Gome from socialist shat hole nations where they turned it into a shat hole to the point they cant stand it any more so they will come here and do the same and shit all over Americans .
My assumption is correct because they are here and receiving govt money.
I hope they shit all over you and add to the already pile.
My assumption is correct because they are here and receiving govt money.
I hope they shit all over you and add to the already pile.
Your assumptions are that of a ***** boris they are not refugess they are illegals the state already gave chicago 120 million now they need another 54 million . just think how many homeless Americans that could help or sick Americans or hungry. butt noooo morons like you want to spend it on illegals not American citizens.
As usual liberals take the side of non american and screw Americans that meed help.
Your assumptions are that of a ***** boris they are not refugess they are illegals the state already gave chicago 120 million now they need another 54 million . just think how many homeless Americans that could help or sick Americans or hungry. butt noooo morons like you want to spend it on illegals not American citizens.
As usual liberals take the side of non american and screw Americans that meed help.
I reiterate what I said.
Yes Chicago is talking about letting the people vote to see if they want to remain a sanctuary city. Lol when they became one they did not ask the voters but now it's a issue because it's costing them money and uncle Joe could care less he's eating Ice cream and has dozens of secret service agents protecting him him .