It’s a short read and you need to send it to everyone you know...
Politically this is going to be the biggest BLIP on the Radar next to Illegal Immigrant Scumbags on my land....
Please read and learn the facts then send it onto the sleeping sheeple.
Islam, Sharia and Muslim Scumbags have ZERO business in America and their days are numbered !
Can The Islamization of America Be Stopped?
Today, our country is faced with a strong opponent in the Trojan Horse called Islam. This clear and present danger makes it imperative to revisit the U.S. Constitution and see if freedom of religion gives Muslims a license to break other American laws..........
by Amil Imani.

Politically this is going to be the biggest BLIP on the Radar next to Illegal Immigrant Scumbags on my land....
Please read and learn the facts then send it onto the sleeping sheeple.
Islam, Sharia and Muslim Scumbags have ZERO business in America and their days are numbered !
Can The Islamization of America Be Stopped?
Today, our country is faced with a strong opponent in the Trojan Horse called Islam. This clear and present danger makes it imperative to revisit the U.S. Constitution and see if freedom of religion gives Muslims a license to break other American laws..........
by Amil Imani.