Buy guns and ammo. Get ready, gear up


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
i thought the republicans were the party of law and order

not any more

"Just as Trump has told his supporters “I am your retribution”, so his allies in rightwing media, who have spent months conditioning their audience to distrust the court’s verdict, deployed the language of vengeance. Some argued that, if Trump regains power, he should go after Democrats, prosecutors and journalists.

Setmayer added: “If you look on social media platforms and the rightwing ecosystem, the reaction to the verdict was one of hysteria and threats against anyone who was in support of the verdict, particularly in the media. ‘Add them to the list. Buy guns and ammo. Get ready, gear up.’

“The language is mobilising and violent and that is something that we should all be concerned about. Many of us who’ve been paying attention have warned about this. This is part of Trumpism. The violence and the retribution is the point and he’s laying the foundation for his followers to rationalise a violent response.”

comrade stalin
i thought the republicans were the party of law and order

not any more

"Just as Trump has told his supporters “I am your retribution”, so his allies in rightwing media, who have spent months conditioning their audience to distrust the court’s verdict, deployed the language of vengeance. Some argued that, if Trump regains power, he should go after Democrats, prosecutors and journalists.

Setmayer added: “If you look on social media platforms and the rightwing ecosystem, the reaction to the verdict was one of hysteria and threats against anyone who was in support of the verdict, particularly in the media. ‘Add them to the list. Buy guns and ammo. Get ready, gear up.’

“The language is mobilising and violent and that is something that we should all be concerned about. Many of us who’ve been paying attention have warned about this. This is part of Trumpism. The violence and the retribution is the point and he’s laying the foundation for his followers to rationalise a violent response.”

comrade stalin
In a weird way, I wouldn't mind if they did start some shit. The military would take care of them in no time.
That way real Americans can see what dickheads they are.
i thought the republicans were the party of law and order

not any more

"Just as Trump has told his supporters “I am your retribution”, so his allies in rightwing media, who have spent months conditioning their audience to distrust the court’s verdict, deployed the language of vengeance. Some argued that, if Trump regains power, he should go after Democrats, prosecutors and journalists.

Setmayer added: “If you look on social media platforms and the rightwing ecosystem, the reaction to the verdict was one of hysteria and threats against anyone who was in support of the verdict, particularly in the media. ‘Add them to the list. Buy guns and ammo. Get ready, gear up.’

“The language is mobilising and violent and that is something that we should all be concerned about. Many of us who’ve been paying attention have warned about this. This is part of Trumpism. The violence and the retribution is the point and he’s laying the foundation for his followers to rationalise a violent response.”

comrade stalin
Commies in America need American patriots to be disarmed in order to pave the way to transform the God Bless American republic into the God cursed Marxist socialist banana boat 3rd world *bleep* nation the ungodly world desires.
So now silly Mark is AGAINST the Second Amendment.

Actually, the Second Amendment could be the salvation of our country.

Trump needs to Second Amendment himself on primetime TV. He will die a martyr to his foolish supporters, and the film of it will be more poplar that the Zapruder film undeniably.
There is sort of a a precedent for this. In 1923, Alvaro Obregón was president and could not run again (the main slogan of the Mexican Revolution was Sufagio efectivo, no reeleción- universal sufferage, no reelection) Obregón favored Calles, Pancho Villa was considering running for president, so Calles with Obregon's consent, had Villa assassinated. His body had 40 bullets in it.

In Mexico City, before the Revolution, they had built the central part of a new capitol building. They halted the construction and turned it into the Monumento de la Revolución, which honored Villa.

So Trump could off himself and then his devoted band of suckers could be hit up to contribute to build a monument to Trump and bury the fool under it.

It seems like a perfect solution to he disease than is Trumpism.