"Bongbong" Marcos Jr reveals his ancestor was Chinese pirate Limahong


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2014
1. The following are excerpts from SCLMRose's November 18, 2018 article:

(Begin excerpts)
Limahong, or Lin Feng, also known as Lim Ah Hong or Limahon was a Chinese pirate and warlord who invaded the northern islands of the Philippines and also established a short-lived kingdom in Pangasinan. He built up a reputation for his constant raids to ports in Guangdong, Fujian and southern China. He is noted to have twice attempted and failed to overthrow the Spanish city of Manila in 1574.

There are different stories about Limahong with some degrees of historical accuracy. According to some legends, Limahong was from a Chinese Noble family; did something that offended the Emperor or Empress of the day which made them hire a pirate to rush him away from danger. He was leaving his homeland forever. This pirate sailed south to the natural harbor at Batangas, and as far north as safe harbor in Pampanga with Lim Ah Hong in tow. Lim Ah Hong, took to the pirate who saved him and was treated as a son. When the pirate died, Lim Ah Hong inherited the fleet and being of noble birth was a natural leader.... (End excerpts)

Source Link: https://subliblog.com/2018/11/18/limahong-a-chinese-pirate-invaded-the-philippines-part-1/

Poster's Comment:

2. The Philippines failed in its attempt to drag the rest of ASEAN into the South China Sea whirlpool of conflict during the recent 57th ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in the Laotian capital of Vientiane.

In a question-and-answer session after addressing the Australia-based policy think tank Lowy Institute, the Filipino leader revealed that his ancestor was the infamous Chinese pirate and warlord Limahong, brutal but of noble birth, who used to operate in the waters of the South China Sea in the 16th century. Now we know why the former brutal dictator's son in such a backward and lawless country is so aggressive. Like the depiction of "insatiable greed" in a Chinese idiom, 人心不足蛇吞象 (which means that "a man who is never content is like a snake trying swallow an elephant"), he seems to be very persistent in trying to bring about a war between the US and China.

In taking such a great risk, he has no doubt that the US and his country will win the war. Maybe he even thinks his country would be rewarded with a large chunk of Chinese territory for the joint war effort by Uncle Sam in order to restore his ancestor's rightful and noble place in China?

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