Bob is a racist

I thought you were talking about this guy


I love to hear one thing racist from him. Then will Fox News fire him? Just like MSNBC fired Pat Bucannon for his racist comments
According to those statements, Buchanan isn't anymore of a racist than Alan West, and he's black.
MSNBC Host to Meghan McCain: You Fit in With GOP Because You‘re ’Well Off, White, & Blond’

“Megan, you know I love you, but as it comes down to being comfortable in the Republican party, isn’t it pretty easy for you to be comfortable in the Republican party – well off, white and blond,” Roberts asked.

Now ... was this a racist comment? Of course not .... because it was made by a liberal Obama supporter!
MSNBC Host to Meghan McCain: You Fit in With GOP Because You‘re ’Well Off, White, & Blond

Now ... was this a racist comment? Of course not .... because it was made by a liberal Obama supporter!

Nope. Only counts if your brown or black.
He'll say that was a rare occurance.

check this one out

Saving minority babies is racist

“An abortion ban would disproportionately affect women from non-white and low-income backgrounds,” he wrote, proving the pro-life movement’s “inherent racial and socio-economic unfairness.”
check this one out

Saving minority babies is racist

“An abortion ban would disproportionately affect women from non-white and low-income backgrounds,” he wrote, proving the pro-life movement’s “inherent racial and socio-economic unfairness.”
This is the kind of liberal lies I am referring to. Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood and wanted to provide abortions for the sole purpose of racial purification.

This is also the reason that most all liberals like PfOS are so angry and full of vitriolic rhetoric and hate. The left simply do not have any facts to back up their sick liberal ideologies.

Yet, somehow this wacko liberal idiot, Brian Fung in an article entitled “The Quiet Racism of Abortion Bans.” is trying to connect the left's blood lust for the murder of unborn children to the Republicans, their false "War on Women" and racism!

Abortion clinics are still being located for the most part in black neighborhoods and are still delivering the same 'ol message--that if we are black, poor, living in urban areas--we are not worthy of life.

Abortion is the number 1 killer of Black Americans.

“they are…human weeds,’ ‘reckless breeders,’ ’spawning… human beings who never should have been born.”
-Margaret Sanger
