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umm.. um humm... 


Bush supported dictators around the world, just like every president in recent memory. 

Well, no, but then, neither did Obama.  Bush did increase entitlements in the form of Medicare, part D however.


 No.  Did Obama?  He did bail out GM, but force out the bond holders?


should have, but no.  Gitmo should never have been opened to begin with.

 No.  Did Obama? 

No, and neither did Obama.  Both were/are opposed to he "fairness doctrine.

No.  Was  Obama?  Did it make him a Communist? 



Did Obama "cut and run from Iraq, as predicted by the right wing ranters?

Did Obama support a surge in Afganistan, like the one Bush supported in Iraq?

Did both support deficit spending?

did both support a bail out fund totaling in the hundreds of billions?

Baroge Obambush.  That's who's president currently.
