Billion + believe in Satan. Should all schools be mandated to teach Creationism?

Gnostic Christian Bishop

Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2013
Billion + believe in Satan. Should all schools be mandated to teach Creationism?

We must save our children from foolish belief in the supernatural.

Education is the only tool that we have to drag ourselves and our children out of ignorance and superstition and that education should include that it is foolish to read myth literally. No more Dark Ages should be allowed.

Comparative Religion should be taught to insure that no child is lost to creationist intellectual dissonance. We must expose our children to Comparative Religion as soon as they can understand Evolution which would be taught alongside of it.

To do less would be shirking our duty to our children and their young minds. If you do not supports this type of all-inclusive education, please show why you oppose it?

Remember that when President Bush backed up stem cell research, it gave other countries a chance to advance away from the U.S. and hurt the U.S economy.

If the U.S. fails to educate it’s children properly in Comparative Religion and Evolution --- and the various sciences that stem from it, --- the U.S. will shrink it’s economy and power as compared to those countries who have a fuller and more intelligent education program.

Do you agree that it is the duty of the U.S. education system to maintain a first world standard of education in the teaching of Creationism, Comparative Religion and Evolution, --- and catch up to more intelligent countries?

I don't think schools should be mandated to teach creationism, or that prayer should be in pubic schools.

Nonetheless, there is a dark side to evolution. For instance, the Eugenics movement was based on evolution. It later became a major part of the Nazi movement. As many know, that situation lead to the death of thousands of handicapped people, not to mention all the Jews, etc.. Of course, the big question is "What did the handicapped do to anyone?". They seem the most innocent of all Nazi victims.
I don't think schools should be mandated to teach creationism, or that prayer should be in pubic schools.

Nonetheless, there is a dark side to evolution. For instance, the Eugenics movement was based on evolution. It later became a major part of the Nazi movement. As many know, that situation lead to the death of thousands of handicapped people, not to mention all the Jews, etc.. Of course, the big question is "What did the handicapped do to anyone?". They seem the most innocent of all Nazi victims.

No one is speaking of prayer but I agree that it should not be in school.

As a secularist, I want our children to be well shielded against belief in superstition and the supernatural and having all the various creation myths in a comparative religion class would give them that shield as well as to help then think better as they compare the various ideas of religions.

This would also have children questioning more of the garbage that religions are teaching in the churches and homes of the nation.

To do less would be shirking our duty to our children and their young minds. If you do not supports this type of all-inclusive education, please show why you oppose it?

I don't have a problem with some sort of comparative religion instruction in school but I do have a problem with anyone who tries to force their world view upon a young, impressionable and captive audience.
I don't have a problem with some sort of comparative religion instruction in school but I do have a problem with anyone who tries to force their world view upon a young, impressionable and captive audience.

I am on that same page my friend. I fight what you see in this link and think it an immoral practice.

Jesus Camp 1of 3

On eugenics.

The rich have already set a eugenics program with themselves at the top.

Most likely do not see it.


I diefinitely agree with that statement. (y) Bill Gates, Ted Turner, and Oprah Winfrey have made it quite clear that the world's future is their business.o_O However, who made them God? :mad: Recently, Bill Gates was seen on TV on the NBC "red nose" special for charity. Makes me want to puke. :mad:
I diefinitely agree with that statement. (y) Bill Gates, Ted Turner, and Oprah Winfrey have made it quite clear that the world's future is their business.o_O However, who made them God? :mad: Recently, Bill Gates was seen on TV on the NBC "red nose" special for charity. Makes me want to puke. :mad:

No one made them God but we did allow them the power of their position and the power to manipulate the eugenics of our species.

I do not see the wrong in charity work or donations from the rich.

Why would seeing that make you puke?
Would you prefer they not be philanthropic.

No one made them God but we did allow them the power of their position and the power to manipulate the eugenics of our species.

I do not see the wrong in charity work or donations from the rich.

Why would seeing that make you puke?
Would you prefer they not be philanthropic.

To be honest, I'd rather them not be charitable. :cautious: They're doing this charity for sinister reasons :sneaky:, because being rich usually messes with your mind and the result is often very scary. :eek:

The rich believe success gives them special rights and powers, cause the power has gone to their head. Think about it. Who hasn't fantasized about being powerful? What thoughts usually go through our minds?
To be honest, I'd rather them not be charitable. :cautious: They're doing this charity for sinister reasons :sneaky:, because being rich usually messes with your mind and the result is often very scary. :eek:

The rich believe success gives them special rights and powers, cause the power has gone to their head. Think about it. Who hasn't fantasized about being powerful? What thoughts usually go through our minds?

You seem to have boxed the rich into all having the same mind set. Not a good thing.

So you would rather have the hungry starve and die instead of letting some rich dude use a loophole in the systems we have written up for some imagined sinister reason.

You show the same poor morals here that you do elsewhere.
