Bill Maher's Take on Chomksy, Trump, and Cruz


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2015

Maher is criticizing Chomsky's assumption that other nations can do bad things simply cause the US does the same, claiming Trump does the same. Also, he was saying the appeal of Trump was due to illogical factors, but that's generally how humans behave. As far as Obama is concerned, he continued to claim a lot of the hate against him was due to being black, unless of course, it's because he's skinny, citing many things Obama had done that he says Republicans couldn't get done.

To some extent I agree with what Maher is saying.
Obviously. racism has always been with us and electing the highly competent Obama provoked racism to emerge to the surface.
Chomsky is an intellectual ideologue and is often quite accurate. Chomsky lacks charisma, but he provokes thought. Maher is more of an entertainer.

Ted Cruz is quite simply an annoying asshole. And he supports MAGA and is therefore utterly gutless.
There is ZERO threat of anyone imposing Sharia Law in the US. It is not necessary to elect a criminal to prevent this from happening.