Bill Clintons history of sexual violence against women


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Bill Clinton assults against women record
Is Bill Clinton really a Rapist? So WHERE WERE THE LIBERAL MEDIA ALL THIS TIME. Like the Media made a BIG DEAL when George H W Bush commited illegal WWII acts when he was in the air force. And The Media made a BIG DEAL over George W Bush going AWOL in the military and his DWI arrest. But Not reporter ever get on Bill Clintons assults against women. WHERE ARE THE WOMENS GROUPS PROTESTING ?? It shows you Womens Groups are Hypocrites!!! They have no desire to stop violance against women. All they care about is LIBERALISM! If George Bush did this youll have Democrats in House and senate demanding to be impeached plus youll have the Media barking about this night after night.So my Questing is Why isnt CNN reporting this? Why isnt CBS reporting this? Why isnt NBC reporting this? and why isnt ABC reporting this?
Bill Clinton assults against women record
Is Bill Clinton really a Rapist? So WHERE WERE THE LIBERAL MEDIA ALL THIS TIME. Like the Media made a BIG DEAL when George H W Bush commited illegal WWII acts when he was in the air force. And The Media made a BIG DEAL over George W Bush going AWOL in the military and his DWI arrest. But Not reporter ever get on Bill Clintons assults against women. WHERE ARE THE WOMENS GROUPS PROTESTING ?? It shows you Womens Groups are Hypocrites!!! They have no desire to stop violance against women. All they care about is LIBERALISM! If George Bush did this youll have Democrats in House and senate demanding to be impeached plus youll have the Media barking about this night after night.So my Questing is Why isnt CNN reporting this? Why isnt CBS reporting this? Why isnt NBC reporting this? and why isnt ABC reporting this?

My guess... and it's just guess... is their brains are bigger than raisins and they know the difference between fiction and reality. You might want to possibly consider moving this to the "conspiracy theory" thread and put it beside the one that says Bush bombed the World Trade Center on 911... very similar thought process there. :)
My guess... and it's just guess... is their brains are bigger than raisins and they know the difference between fiction and reality. You might want to possibly consider moving this to the "conspiracy theory" thread and put it beside the one that says Bush bombed the World Trade Center on 911... very similar thought process there. :)

Sorry, but it's no conspiracy. The media is indeed ignoring the truth:
Yep,,It sure does look like the Media is one sided. Just like Bush went AWOL but wont report what Bill Clinton done in past history. And Looks like we just had americas first Rapist in the white house :(