Biden says he won’t debate Trump RIGHT NOW

Stray Bullet

Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2024
An opportunity for Biden to debate Trump again before September was given and he refused which was revealed to me during the recent Lester Holt interview. The coward is sabotaging us. Is it his ego or is he an idiot? Because if he had an ego then he would’ve chosen to debate him. So he’s an idiot asshole who’s going to bring us all down with him out of… spite? Spite for becoming old like everyone does and he just needs to step aside from politics. Thanks a lot asshole. Just know how this is going down in the history books, if we’ll even have a history after Trump is elected.
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An opportunity for Biden to debate Trump again before September was given and he refused which was revealed to me during the recent Lester Holt interview. The coward is sabotaging us. Is it his ego or is he an idiot? Because if he had an ego then he would’ve chosen to debate him. So he’s an idiot asshole who’s going to bring us all down with him out of… spite? Spite for becoming old like everyone does and he just needs to step aside from politics. Thanks a lot asshole. Just know how this is going down in the history books, if we’ll even have a history after Trump is elected.
You covered a lot of anger and hate their little man.
Do you feel better now?

You should stop crying.