Biden just doubled his chances

Anytime Trump has to speak without a script and in a neutral audience his staff must be in terror lol
Anytime Trump has to speak without a script and in a neutral audience his staff must be in terror lol
That's got to be it. Trump trembles at the thought of having to speak for hours without a teleprompter while Biden can speak for days without stopping and never uses a teleprompter. What a mythological superman the left has crafted for themselves from a bucket of old jelly.
That's got to be it. Trump trembles at the thought of having to speak for hours without a teleprompter while Biden can speak for days without stopping and never uses a teleprompter. What a mythological superman the left has crafted for themselves from a bucket of old jelly.
God you are stupid
I said his staff is afraid, not Trump
You are such a ***** lol
Trump's lawyers know that Trump cannot be allowed to testify under oath, because he will perjure himself.
Trump does not use a teleprompter because he cannot read. He seems to be dyslectic.

Many times, Trump has been required to testify about deals he has made and when they show him something he has signed, he says that he cannot read it because he did not bring his glasses with him.

What sort of fool forgets their glasses in such situations?