Beware of Squatters

mark francis

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2021
Crooks have found havens of rest in big Democrat cities where they can break into homes they do not own and effectively set up residence there for years while leftist laws prevent the homeowners from forcing them back out or cutting off their utilities. Sad and evil, but true. Message to uncivilized Democrats: This is not just and is not right.

Beware of Squatters ( 3-27-24

Beware Of Squatters

Posted on Wednesday, March 27, 2024

If you own a home and don’t want to lose it, keep reading.

Homeowners who go on vacation or a business trip, even for just a week, are returning to find their house overtaken by trespassers who fraudulently claim a right to be there. It’s happening to tens of thousands of homeowners from New York City to Atlanta and Los Angeles.

When owners call the police, they’re told police can’t help. It’s a civil matter, and they have to file an eviction lawsuit, which can drag on for months or years because housing courts are backlogged.

Meanwhile, owners are out on the street while squatters are living free, destroying houses and even selling off owners’ belongings.

If you found a stranger sitting in your car and called the police, they would immediately ask to see the registration and decide who owns it, explains Georgetown law professor Jonathan Turley. They wouldn’t let the thief drive off. But the law is stacked against homeowners.

You can thank leftist lawmakers who have degraded property rights and tilted the law to favor criminals. The result is an epidemic of brazen squatting.

In New York state, a homeowner faced with a trespasser can expect eviction to take two years. Meanwhile, the owner is barred from turning off utilities, removing belongings, or doing anything else to get the invaders out. It’s crazy.
Crooks have found havens of rest in big Democrat cities where they can break into homes they do not own and effectively set up residence there for years while leftist laws prevent the homeowners from forcing them back out or cutting off their utilities. Sad and evil, but true. Message to uncivilized Democrats: This is not just and is not right.

Beware of Squatters ( 3-27-24

Beware Of Squatters

Posted on Wednesday, March 27, 2024

If you own a home and don’t want to lose it, keep reading.

Homeowners who go on vacation or a business trip, even for just a week, are returning to find their house overtaken by trespassers who fraudulently claim a right to be there. It’s happening to tens of thousands of homeowners from New York City to Atlanta and Los Angeles.

When owners call the police, they’re told police can’t help. It’s a civil matter, and they have to file an eviction lawsuit, which can drag on for months or years because housing courts are backlogged.

Meanwhile, owners are out on the street while squatters are living free, destroying houses and even selling off owners’ belongings.

If you found a stranger sitting in your car and called the police, they would immediately ask to see the registration and decide who owns it, explains Georgetown law professor Jonathan Turley. They wouldn’t let the thief drive off. But the law is stacked against homeowners.

You can thank leftist lawmakers who have degraded property rights and tilted the law to favor criminals. The result is an epidemic of brazen squatting.

In New York state, a homeowner faced with a trespasser can expect eviction to take two years. Meanwhile, the owner is barred from turning off utilities, removing belongings, or doing anything else to get the invaders out. It’s crazy.
Good news! DeSantis and Florida are taking away the unlawful rights of squatters to steal properties from helpless homeowners. Thank God there are still some good people in the US doing good things for good people.

Florida Taking the Lead to Protect Property Rights Against Squatters, Other States Will Follow: Property Rights Attorney | NTD 3-27-24

Florida Taking the Lead to Protect Property Rights Against Squatters, Other States Will Follow: Property Rights Attorney
You can leave, any time, now.
View attachment 12575

You've been drawing flies.
Squatter in liberal NYC and others have rights according to liberal pin heads . One lady had them move in to a multi million dollar home and was arrested for trying to remove them more of your liberal logic
While the governor of Florida just passed laws to prevent this from happening and to protect homeowners against squatters
Crooks have found havens of rest in big Democrat cities where they can break into homes they do not own and effectively set up residence there for years while leftist laws prevent the homeowners from forcing them back out or cutting off their utilities. Sad and evil, but true. Message to uncivilized Democrats: This is not just and is not right.

Beware of Squatters ( 3-27-24

Beware Of Squatters

Posted on Wednesday, March 27, 2024

If you own a home and don’t want to lose it, keep reading.

Homeowners who go on vacation or a business trip, even for just a week, are returning to find their house overtaken by trespassers who fraudulently claim a right to be there. It’s happening to tens of thousands of homeowners from New York City to Atlanta and Los Angeles.

When owners call the police, they’re told police can’t help. It’s a civil matter, and they have to file an eviction lawsuit, which can drag on for months or years because housing courts are backlogged.

Meanwhile, owners are out on the street while squatters are living free, destroying houses and even selling off owners’ belongings.

If you found a stranger sitting in your car and called the police, they would immediately ask to see the registration and decide who owns it, explains Georgetown law professor Jonathan Turley. They wouldn’t let the thief drive off. But the law is stacked against homeowners.

You can thank leftist lawmakers who have degraded property rights and tilted the law to favor criminals. The result is an epidemic of brazen squatting.

In New York state, a homeowner faced with a trespasser can expect eviction to take two years. Meanwhile, the owner is barred from turning off utilities, removing belongings, or doing anything else to get the invaders out. It’s crazy.
How is that connected to democrats?
There's no evidence democrats have ever promoted that.
Here in Miami, there are hundreds of mansions that belong to people from all over the world, notably China and Venezuela and were bought as investments and are vacant, except for groundskeepers and such.

I have seen no reports that there are any squatters living in them. The Democrats have not advocated squatting in such places, ever.
Here in Miami, there are hundreds of mansions that belong to people from all over the world, notably China and Venezuela and were bought as investments and are vacant, except for groundskeepers and such.

I have seen no reports that there are any squatters living in them. The Democrats have not advocated squatting in such places, ever.
It seems Biden and pals had no idea where they were going to house several million undocument immigrants they illegally ushered into the country for whatever unconstitutional reason.
Here in Miami, there are hundreds of mansions that belong to people from all over the world, notably China and Venezuela and were bought as investments and are vacant, except for groundskeepers and such.

I have seen no reports that there are any squatters living in them. The Democrats have not advocated squatting in such places, ever.

Thats because of the sources you look at pure shat sources.
Crooks have found havens of rest in big Democrat cities where they can break into homes they do not own and effectively set up residence there for years while leftist laws prevent the homeowners from forcing them back out or cutting off their utilities. Sad and evil, but true. Message to uncivilized Democrats: This is not just and is not right.

Beware of Squatters ( 3-27-24

Beware Of Squatters


Mark Francis is a racist and an an elitist that wants everyone not like him to suffer hardships silently. Just as Paul of Tarsus wanted slaves to be obedient and dutiful to even cruel masters.
I don't want anyone to reject God and end up in hell.
You have shown yourself to be a petty, mean twerp that has no compassion whatever for people who are abused and mistreated. Jesus would no doubt give you the same treatment he gave the money changers.