Behold: The Troll


Mar 6, 2015
I have been called a troll (and worse) at many other forums. But do you know what the opposite of a troll is? A fairy. As in homosexual. It's too bad that so many people are only interested in homosexual discussion. But I refuse to stoop to that level.

There is a concept in this country called "Freedom Of Speech." I already know that forums aren't obliged to allow members theirs. But those who run forums probably personally believe in the concept of freedom of speech. So for them to deny people their right to free speech would make them hypocrites. As well as showing a severe lack of decency, honor and dignity.

You may have heard of people out there who have said, "I may not agree with what you say. But I will defend with my life your right to say it." Let's see if this forum can live up to that morality. Because I have things to say that they and probably you won't like. But if what you have to say doesn't offend some people, chances are that what you have to say has no real value. It is my intent to debate people about anything I write. Will this forum allow such debate? I doubt it. But we shall see.
“Freedom of speech” is a strongly misunderstood and misused phrase. It refers to Congress not making any laws prohibiting freedom of speech. Local government laws must abide by that that.

“Freedom of speech” is never guaranteed nor expected in a private situation such as an employee on company property; in a movie theater; library; TV networks; or on a political forum. Other laws take precedence such as disturbing the peace, (or acting like a troll.) Private entities don't need to nor should live up to that standard.
“Freedom of speech” is a strongly misunderstood and misused phrase. It refers to Congress not making any laws prohibiting freedom of speech. Local government laws must abide by that that.

“Freedom of speech” is never guaranteed nor expected in a private situation such as an employee on company property; in a movie theater; library; TV networks; or on a political forum. Other laws take precedence such as disturbing the peace, (or acting like a troll.) Private entities don't need to nor should live up to that standard.
I know exactly what freedom of speech means in a legal sense. But forums are places for debate. As such, somebody should be free to say what they want. I have been banned from many forums for doing just that. Not because what I said was really bad. But because what I said was too truthful. Because when it comes right down to it, most people and our system of government is evil.

If you can't call a criminal a criminal without offending them and getting banned, what's the point of saying anything. But I will continue to do so. Though I don't think I will be doing it here. Because by the looks of things, you need a calendar to measure the time between people's postings.
“Freedom of speech” is a strongly misunderstood and misused phrase. It refers to Congress not making any laws prohibiting freedom of speech. Local government laws must abide by that that.

“Freedom of speech” is never guaranteed nor expected in a private situation such as an employee on company property; in a movie theater; library; TV networks; or on a political forum. Other laws take precedence such as disturbing the peace, (or acting like a troll.) Private entities don't need to nor should live up to that standard.
There isn't anything I don't understand about the concept of freedom of speech. As I pointed out in my thread, it is more of a cultural concept than a legal one. If you are in a theater, you can't yell out "Fire!" But if there is a fire, that is a different matter. All that is needed in practicing freedom of speech is a little common sense.

Congress passed a law that it would guarantee freedom of speech. But like any law, there is a way around it. If government wants to limit free speech, all they have to do it turn to the private sector to do so. If congress wanted to pass a good law concerning freedom of speech, they would pass one that said that the private sector couldn't limit it either. As anybody can see, the private sector sure as hell has the freedom to lie.

Also, apparently the only way Larry Flynt was able to get away with saying some of the things he said was to label it as parody.
I know exactly what freedom of speech means in a legal sense. But forums are places for debate. As such, somebody should be free to say what they want. I have been banned from many forums for doing just that. Not because what I said was really bad. But because what I said was too truthful. Because when it comes right down to it, most people and our system of government is evil.

If you can't call a criminal a criminal without offending them and getting banned, what's the point of saying anything. But I will continue to do so. Though I don't think I will be doing it here. Because by the looks of things, you need a calendar to measure the time between people's postings.

Hey, I understand what you are saying, and have found that problem with some forums. But you can find my posts and threads and see the if they are putting up with me, they will likely put up with you too.

Often, it isn't what you say so much as the tone of voice used while saying it that either gets people to listen or ticks them off.

I am the heretic that promotes refusing to vote. The very idea makes people's brainwashed minds flip over and causes headaches.
I have been called a troll (and worse) at many other forums. But do you know what the opposite of a troll is? A fairy. As in homosexual. It's too bad that so many people are only interested in homosexual discussion. But I refuse to stoop to that level.

There is a concept in this country called "Freedom Of Speech." I already know that forums aren't obliged to allow members theirs. But those who run forums probably personally believe in the concept of freedom of speech. So for them to deny people their right to free speech would make them hypocrites. As well as showing a severe lack of decency, honor and dignity.

You may have heard of people out there who have said, "I may not agree with what you say. But I will defend with my life your right to say it." Let's see if this forum can live up to that morality. Because I have things to say that they and probably you won't like. But if what you have to say doesn't offend some people, chances are that what you have to say has no real value. It is my intent to debate people about anything I write. Will this forum allow such debate? I doubt it. But we shall see.

I have been banned from several right wing forums, and even my Representative, Greg Walden, has banned me from posting on his facebook page. Of course, he is one of those "conservatives" that "believes" in the Constitution. Well, his version anyway.