Beck's movie flops in NY, Boston and DC


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Washington state
In good news for Beck's followers, I understand the film is a hit in trailer parks down south among Stormfront white trash.


In New York, Beck sold 17 tickets. In Boston, another 17. And in Washington, D.C., the hotbed of political activism, his tearful film drew only 30, Raw Story has found.

Glenn Beck's new movie The Christmas Sweater – A Return To Redemption -- released for a viewing Thursday night in hundreds of theaters across the country. While it performed better in the south and in rural, more conservative areas, his ability to draw viewers in major US markets was a bust.

"The theater's almost empty," a representative at Regal Cinemas in Manhattan told Raw Story moments before it began.
GEEEE WHIZ...maybe he should have had Sarah Palin & Rush Limbaugh stand around as USHERS...or walking around outside of those theaters hawking tickets, signing books...NEWSMAX has hundred of thousands to give away to new subscribers.

They could form a dog & pony show...Rush could be the 'bobbin dog', Glenn could be the mime and dear sweet Sarah could replay her cheer-leading/beauty pageant days and really stir the crowd up while shouting out one liners about the location of RUSSIA :D