Well-Known Member
When i first heard that Al Gore had become a nobel peace prize winner.. I was completely disgusted.. Honestly.. How could a man who presented idea's already known through-out the world get this? Almost an insult to all the great scientists
before him. Fueled by an argument on a completely unrelated thread.. I stalked across wiki and came across something very intresting.. While we all know that Al gore purchases carbon credits for renewable energy for some of his luxuries.. did you also know he pays an exorbante amount in electricity?
upon searching for a bit more into Al gores energy usage I stumbled across this..
and for those not willing to do the search for that source
this should lay to bed all those al gore bashers like yours truely only minutes ago.
This far and away is slowly changing my mind about my orignal views of Al Gore and given the light of this.. maybe he is a bit more worthy of Nobel peace prize material.. honestly.. anyone here increasing there electrical bill by $4 dollars per 150 killowatt hour to help do something?
didn't think so..
before him. Fueled by an argument on a completely unrelated thread.. I stalked across wiki and came across something very intresting.. While we all know that Al gore purchases carbon credits for renewable energy for some of his luxuries.. did you also know he pays an exorbante amount in electricity?
From previous thread and the responce.Originally Posted by NO Obamanation View Post
His house his jets and his basic life style
And yes I know about the carbon credits.
I think that is the biggest joke on the planet. I can buy my way to a guilt free life style if I have enough money, the rest of you suckers better use less, so I can use more..
Its like the dang catholic church in the dark ages, you can sin sin sin and you can just buy yourself indulgence. Carbon credits is just exactly the same, buying yourself indulgences.
I do not begrudge anyone to live how they want, but when they lecture me who has very little that I am not doing enough for my planet while they live luxurious life styles and buy the luxury to do it guilt free, I have a problem. This is not a left wing right wing deal; I don’t want anyone to tell me not to do something that they them selves are doing
At least he makes that effort, he was VP of the USA, ,, I dont expect him to live in a shack like the Unibomber ( even if he did that beard thing) and yea he flys, but Look at the Huge amount of good he has done, going to places and talking about Polllution and Global warming....I think what he has done FAR outpaces his own use.
upon searching for a bit more into Al gores energy usage I stumbled across this..
Gore's estate has been criticized twice by the group the Tennessee Center for Policy Research (TCPR). In February 2007 the group stated that their analysis of records from the Nashville Electric Service indicated that the Gore household uses "20 times as much electricity as the average household nationwide."[186][187] In reporting on TCPR's claims, MSNBC noted that the Nashville Electric Service report "omits several other key facts. The former vice president's home has 20 rooms, including home offices for himself and his wife, as well as a guest house and special security measures. Furthermore, the Gores buy energy produced from renewable sources, such as wind and solar. Tonight, Countdown confirmed with the local utility officials that their program, called the Green Power Switch, actually costs more for the Gores -- four dollars for every 150 kilowatt hours. Meaning, by our calculations, our math here, that the Gores actually chose to increase their electric bill by $5,893, more than 50 percent, in order to minimize carbon pollution."[188] A few months later, the Associated Press reported on December 13, 2007 that Gore "has completed a host of improvements to make the home more energy efficient, and a building-industry group has praised the house as one of the nation's most environmentally friendly [...] 'Short of tearing it down and starting anew, I don't know how it could have been rated any higher,' said Kim Shinn of the non-profit U.S. Green Building Council, which gave the house its second-highest rating for sustainable design."[189] Source:
and for those not willing to do the search for that source
This far and away is slowly changing my mind about my orignal views of Al Gore and given the light of this.. maybe he is a bit more worthy of Nobel peace prize material.. honestly.. anyone here increasing there electrical bill by $4 dollars per 150 killowatt hour to help do something?
didn't think so..