After being asked if be would agree to not use Presidential signing statements to get his way, President Obama said "yes". He added, "we are not going to use signing statements to do an end run around Congress."
Times have apparently changed.
After signing the recent spending bill into law, President Obama stated he would ignore the provision that effectively eliminated four czar positions....effectively using a signing statement to get his way and doing an end run around Congress.
Now before the typical "bush did signing statements" responses come pouring in, Bush did not pledge not to do so that I can recall.
Times have apparently changed.
After signing the recent spending bill into law, President Obama stated he would ignore the provision that effectively eliminated four czar positions....effectively using a signing statement to get his way and doing an end run around Congress.
Now before the typical "bush did signing statements" responses come pouring in, Bush did not pledge not to do so that I can recall.