Another Corrupt Democrat Senator


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2008
Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus was romantically involved with a former staffer when he recommended her earlier this year to become the next U.S. attorney for Montana, a spokesman said.

The Montana Democrat and his former state office director Melodee Hanes began their relationship in the summer of 2008 after Baucus separated from his wife, Ty Matsdorf told The Associated Press late Friday.

Baucus, a Senate leader helping to shepherd President Barack Obama's efforts to expand health care, nominated Hanes for the U.S. attorney post in March. But she later withdrew, saying she had been presented with other opportunities she couldn't pass up.

Shades of Clinton!
I don't really find threads like this to be very useful. We can point to individual examples of politicians and media outlets that are corrupt or biased all we want then the other side just points to one of their choosing.

What would make sense is to point out how 20% of one group does whatever while 85% of the other group does whatever.

What does make sense is to show that the very thinking that a group puts in its platform takes away liberties.
Let us summarize this highly informative piece of 'National Inquirer' brought to us by the effervescent ASUR ;)

One Democratic Senator - named Max Baucus met a lady {while he was separated from his wife} then a position come open in the U.S. Attorney Department and Senator Max Baucus: suggests, recommends, alerts this lady to the opportunity for the job!

Was she 'NOT' qualified for the position?
Was she 'NOT' interested in that job?
Had she been looking for that type of job previously?
Was Senator Max Baucus doing the hiring...NO HE WASN'T!
Did the Senator's suggestion guarantee her getting the job...NO IT DIDN'T!

Is this just another case of 'much ado about nothing' cause ASUR has nothing better to 'SCREECH LIKE A MONKEY ABOUT'...A B S O L U T E L Y :rolleyes:
So you actually believe that he nominated her because she was good in...her job. O.K.
What a fool. Of course, if it were a Republican, you especially would be all over it.

Doesn't matter. Maybe we'll just ruin him because we can. Lol.
There is plenty of corruption in both parties, but libs only condemn corruption when committed by Rs. Otherwise, corruption is cool.
Like I said shades of Clinton and there is a pattern!

And by the way, the corruption in the Demorat party runs deepest!
Always has and if the Republican pulled this crap, I'd never support that
party either! You have to be a lowlife to support that kind of Democratic hanky panky!

I remember well when Bill Clinton gave Jennifer Flowers a job over a qualified
and deserving black women named Charlotte Perry, only because he slept with

Maybe Jennifer was qualified, but that ain't the point!
She should have waited in line like all the rest of us!

Shades of Clinton!

If George W. Bush had burned 9,000 gallons of jet fuel to go plant a single tree on Earth Day, would you have concluded he's a hypocrite?
So you actually believe that he nominated her because she was good in...her job. O.K.
What a fool. Of course, if it were a Republican, you especially would be all over it.

Doesn't matter. Maybe we'll just ruin him because we can. Lol.

No, ASSume to much from my post...;)
Either you have the 'GIFT' for knowing more about this pathetic topic then ASUR did/does or your just being amusing too. ASUR {as usual} neglected to post the source/the article...anything that makes it TRUE or an accurate stupid news item...but he's infamous for this type of SMEAR with no substance and just a RUSH LIMBAUGHic stylized RUMOR to go knock yourself out digging for the FACTS. I'm sure that there maybe something equally exciting out there if you keep digging long enough!
There is plenty of corruption in both parties, but libs only condemn corruption when committed by Rs. Otherwise, corruption is cool.

realy? I have never pointed out anyone on the left for doing wrong? I guess I must have imagined it all...

But then again your just one more Right wing hack with no facts, just a ax to grind and never dare actuly listen to anyone who does not agree. You already have shown your pointless to debate, and thus a waste of time for you to even post here. If you are not hear to listen to anyone else...and not hear to post anything worth while that could actuly convince anyone your right...why don;t you just post your rants on your own website , and have no one read them and care there...then we don't have to waste our time with you.
There is plenty of corruption in both parties, but libs only condemn corruption when committed by Rs. Otherwise, corruption is cool.

No no no. They only condemn hypocracy. And since libs do not have sexual morals they cannot by hypocrites.

(ok we should all note that that post is hyperbole)
Ok asure, what was the "corruption"? What law was broken? What money changed hands? What crime was committed?

Webster's New World Dictionary lists two definitions for the world "corrupt".

1. evil; depraved
2. taking bribes

Since asure claimed the Senator was "corrupt", let's see big mouth back up his claim.
What law was broken? What money changed hands? What crime was committed?

He can't back up up his claim, so that leaves two possibilities...

1. He's just another Republican liar.
2. Or, he's too stupid to know that the word means he used.

In either case, he just proving once again why no one ever takes any of his buffoon comments seriously.
Yet another great example of the silliness of partisan politics.

Your party screws interns! Well, yours screws the country, so there! The guy who did (insert deadly sin of choice here) was a (insert name of the other party here), so that proves that your party is corrupt, while mine is a pure as the driven snow!

There are corrupt pols in both parties. What is amusing is watching the partisan hacks standing on their heads trying to explain why the jerks from their party are less jerky than the ones from the other party.

Go, team go!
Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus was romantically involved with a former staffer when he recommended her earlier this year to become the next U.S. attorney for Montana, a spokesman said.

The Montana Democrat and his former state office director Melodee Hanes began their relationship in the summer of 2008 after Baucus separated from his wife, Ty Matsdorf told The Associated Press late Friday.

Baucus, a Senate leader helping to shepherd President Barack Obama's efforts to expand health care, nominated Hanes for the U.S. attorney post in March. But she later withdrew, saying she had been presented with other opportunities she couldn't pass up.

Shades of Clinton!

ASUR, of course you are correct BUT libs do not accept facts when those facts expose crooked liberals . Look at the "MAN MADE " Climate Change HOAX!! Algoe , Obama and all the other crooks know it is a HOAX BUT they want to CONTROL the LIVES of ALL OTHERS!! Thus we have silly Health Care HOAX, Silly Man Made Climate Change HOAX , both being pushed by Radicals . ALL TRUE EVIDENCE PROVES BOTH ARE FALSE BUT ALGORE reaps in MILLIONS preaching FALSE DOCTRINE TO stupid people. Obama and his "Prompter" know it is ALL LIES but the have designs on CONTROL of NOT JUST AMERICA BUT THE WORLD!! IT IS EVIL!! and THIS EVIL CONTROLS OUR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT! THINK!!!