An important case from Epstein's Island frolics

This is the testimony of a 12 years old girl who was abused by Shitshizpants and treated like a whore.
Where did they find this "witness?" Was she another 'little innocent defenseless girl' like Blase Ford with all the talking points given her by Trump-hating liars?
The hateful lies keep flowing from the hard left sexually immoral and perverted crowd.
You hypocrite. Hateful lies spew out of you like lava.
Trump wasn't there handing out Christmas cards.
He was rooting young girls like the rest and don't deny it. Just because you've been sucked in by him means nothing.
You hypocrite. Hateful lies spew out of you like lava.
Trump wasn't there handing out Christmas cards.
He was rooting young girls like the rest and don't deny it. Just because you've been sucked in by him means nothing.
You are accusing Trump of serious violationgs of crimina laws. Since the law enforcement experts have not charged him I suspect you are buying lies from your handlers. You should ge a refund.