America's dramatic drop in weddings


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Census data: Weddings in 2009 at record low level

WASHINGTON – As the recession shook Americans' confidence last year, new figures show that weddings for people 18 and older dropped to the lowest point in over a hundred years.

A broad array of new Census Bureau data released Tuesday documents the far-reaching impact of a business slump that experts say technically ended in June 2009: a surging demand for food stamps, considerably fewer homeowners and people doubling up in housing to save money.

The new figures show, among other things, that the number of people getting married fell to a record low level in 2009, with just 52 percent of adults 18 and over saying they were joined in wedlock, compared to 57 percent in 2000.

Marriage rates have been declining for years due to rising divorce and an increase in unmarried couples living together. Demographers say the current downturn may now be causing more younger adults to postpone marriage as many struggle to find work and resist making long-term commitments.

Wanna know why this is happing? Its because of liberalism and gay marriages


Or, heterosexual males have learned that they can get the milk without buying a cow.
Or, heterosexual males have grown tired of putting up with a woman who expects to be taken care of like a pet raccoon.
Or, heterosexual males have grown tired a legal system that awards half of everything he has earned to the woman, where it seldom works the other way around despite "equal rights".
or, etc., etc.
In islamic nations any man who commits homosexual acts the punishment is DEATH!!! Thats why there are no gays in IRAN,PAKISTAN,SAUDI ARABIA,AFGAINSTAN,TURKEY or even in EGYPT.
America's dramatic drop in weddings is of concern, why? Refresh my memory. What negative result do you envision brought about by this?

Also, certainly you do not advocate that homosexual men should marry heterosexual women do you?
It's correct that the value of marriage has been destroyed by the leftwing. Some aspects of even the ceremony have become ridiculous - eg that the bride was dressed in white to connotate virginity. Women have the choice to abort. If the guy wants to keep the child, too bad for him if she wants to abort. If he doesn't want the child, too bad for him if she decides otherwise. Divorce proceedings are one of the few areas of male-female relationships that would be recognizable to someone in the 1950s - stacked against the man. Men have to work harder and focus on career more because of the institutionalized anti-white male discrimination put in place by the left wing.

Marriage? Why?