Amendment to the US Constitution--One Term Limit--6 Years--For US Senate

Johnny Tremain

Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2012
Time to limit the members of this august body to ONE 6-year term.
No re-election payoffs/intrigue.
One term.
Pick your best and your brightest from each state.
Remember--the rules have changed for this office over the years.

Let it be a reward for faithful and accomplished service in the US House of Representatives.
Or whatever a state wants.

Send the best and brightest.
Not human garbage like Harry Reid.
i would prefer them return to being state selected. popular vote hurt that bidy. term limits if you wish but all i see that doing is vastly increasing those sweet pentions.
What makes you think such a plan would bring about anyone better?

I don't get the fascination with term limits. On one hand conservatives are quite alarmed because Obama won't have to face the electorate again, and therefore now has much more leeway, and on the other hand, now you want abolish any Senator ever having to face any electoral body again -- seemingly because it would temper the group?