Hey has everyone seen this new group on Facebook THE COFFEE PARTY?
Really great group. Growing by tens of thousands daily. Their idea is to draw a contrast between themselves and the screaming teabaggers calling for an overthrow of our government.
And replace that with a civil discussion about the American government not being our enemy and to work to get people elected that will continue to show progress on the major issues of the day.
Some examples of the Facebook page...
Join the Coffee Party Movement Saturday, March 13th is National Coffee Party Day! There are over 200 coffee shop meet-ups planned nationwide. Go to http://www.CoffeePartyUSA.com to find and join one near you. Or create your own meet-up!
Join the Coffee Party Movement Watch out Tea Party, 'Coffee Party' gaining (CNN) – We've heard a lot about the Tea Party movement recently. It's been spreading like wildfire with tens of thousands turning out for rallies and protests. Now, there is a new political movement also gaining some steam. It is called the Coffee Party USA.
Join the Coffee Party Movement #coffeeparty Thank you for participating in our rapidly growing community. We grew from 9,000 to over 80,000 in the first 7 days. We encourage you to sign our civility pledge below...
As a member or guest of the Coffee Party, I pledge to conduct myself in a way that is civil, honest, and respectful toward people with whom I disagree. I value people from different cultures, I value people with different ideas, and I value and cherish the democratic process.

Really great group. Growing by tens of thousands daily. Their idea is to draw a contrast between themselves and the screaming teabaggers calling for an overthrow of our government.
And replace that with a civil discussion about the American government not being our enemy and to work to get people elected that will continue to show progress on the major issues of the day.
Some examples of the Facebook page...
Join the Coffee Party Movement Saturday, March 13th is National Coffee Party Day! There are over 200 coffee shop meet-ups planned nationwide. Go to http://www.CoffeePartyUSA.com to find and join one near you. Or create your own meet-up!
Join the Coffee Party Movement Watch out Tea Party, 'Coffee Party' gaining (CNN) – We've heard a lot about the Tea Party movement recently. It's been spreading like wildfire with tens of thousands turning out for rallies and protests. Now, there is a new political movement also gaining some steam. It is called the Coffee Party USA.
Join the Coffee Party Movement #coffeeparty Thank you for participating in our rapidly growing community. We grew from 9,000 to over 80,000 in the first 7 days. We encourage you to sign our civility pledge below...
As a member or guest of the Coffee Party, I pledge to conduct myself in a way that is civil, honest, and respectful toward people with whom I disagree. I value people from different cultures, I value people with different ideas, and I value and cherish the democratic process.