All the billions did not work


As I said feeding Iran billions and lowering sanctions was stupid . When will liberals learn there's only one way to deal with Iran and that is from a position of power when you have their nuts in a vise and their Adams apple between you grip,
The Biden family has exposed long-standing Democrat policies of selling out US influence for 'gifts' of cash money. We remember Bill Clinton authorizing the release of US military secrets to China in exchange for cash gifts that were picked up in Buddhist temples in California.

First: The cash gift: China donates the money:

Testimony Links Top China Official, Funds for Clinton - Los Angeles Times ( 4-4-99

Testimony Links Top China Official, Funds for Clinton

APRIL 4, 1999 12 AM PT

The chief of China’s military intelligence secretly directed funds from Beijing to help reelect President Clinton in 1996, former Democratic fund-raiser Johnny Chung has told federal investigators.

Next: The return on the giver's investment: Clinton removes military secrets oversight from the State Department to the Dept. of Commerce, allowing for relaxed rules for sharing military secrets with China:

CLINTON'S CHINA DEFENSE - The Washington Post 6-1-98

"In 1995 Schwartz wrote Clinton urging him to shift licensing authority over Chinese satellite launches from the security-minded State Department to the Commerce Department. . . . In October, Secretary of State Warren Christopher, backed by the Defense Department, the CIA and the National Security Agency, ordered State to retain control over the launches."

China's win vs loss of US security and control over military secrets:

Testimony Links Top China Official, Funds for Clinton - Los Angeles Times ( 4-4-99

Five weeks after receiving the Chinese funds, federal election records show, Chung donated $35,000 in three checks to the Democratic National Committee, which helped reelect Clinton. The remaining funds were transferred into one of Chung’s California bank accounts; it is not known how that money was used. ...
He met Liu in July 1996. She was not only a ranking military officer but also vice president of a Hong Kong subsidiary of China Aerospace Corp., a government-owned company that deals in satellite technology and missile sales.
A business relationship between Liu and Chung flourished immediately. They established a partnership to develop a fishery in south China. And they formed Marswell Investment Inc. in California to develop trade in telecommunications equipment. ...
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Campaign Finance Special Report 5-12-98
GOP Leaders Demand Satellite Export Data

By Juliet Eilperin
Washington Post Staff Writers
Tuesday, May 12, 1998; Page A05

Congress's two top Republicans are demanding that the White House provide documents on whether China's nuclear missile capability was aided by an administration policy on exporting commercial satellites.