ALL 3 Liberal News networks Top story of the day on the Gonzales Resination


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
I Just proved ABC,NBC & CBS all choose the top story on the Gonzales Resination. Remember 3 Months ago when democratic congressman Jefferson plea guilty on Stuffing $90,000 in his freezer? Well ABC,NBC & CBS didnt put that story as the top story of the day.They choose the War on Terror and more soldiers died in IRAQ then running the Jefferson story. And Nether did the NEW YORK TIMES didnt put that Jefferson story on the Front Page headlines. But LOOK at the Front Page headlines today!!


But when a Democrat makes headlines it rarely its on the top story But when a Republican makes the top news They will tell it first more than anything else! It shows the Media is liberal biased. Why you think Democrats wont hold debates on Fox News huh?? Figures!!
The Attorney General resigned amid scandal... it's kind of a big deal.

Haven't heard much about Voter Caging lately, lets see if Fox covers that amid Gonzales and Rove's timely resignation, because that is where the rabbit hole leads on this one
The Attorney General resigned amid scandal... it's kind of a big deal.

Haven't heard much about Voter Caging lately, lets see if Fox covers that amid Gonzales and Rove's timely resignation, because that is where the rabbit hole leads on this one

What scandal. Gonzales did nothing that every other Attorney General hasn't done and he did nothing illegal. Gonzales resigned because the Democrats hounded and harassed him so much he couldn't do his job. Remember the Democrats didn't want a conservative Mexican in high office in the first place. He resigned so that Congress would get on with the business of Congress.

Mike Richardson

What scandal. Gonzales did nothing that every other Attorney General hasn't done and he did nothing illegal. Gonzales resigned because the Democrats hounded and harassed him so much he couldn't do his job. Remember the Democrats didn't want a conservative Mexican in high office in the first place. He resigned so that Congress would get on with the business of Congress.

Mike Richardson

What scandel? Let see, this is the man who fired 9 US Attournies and could not explain why. This is the man who lied to congress about it. This is the man who tried to strongarm an incapacitated Attourny General into supporting a program he thought was illegal. This is the man who wrote the memos claiming that the US did not need to abide by the Geneva Convention.

You need to get a whiff of reality if you think this is the same as a $80 Million fishing expedition about some old land deal in Whitewater AK. The RTepublicans were the master of the bogus waste of money on worthless political fishing expeditions. The investigations about outing CIA secrets, manipulating the justice department for political advantage and outright lies about our intelligence reports leading this country falsly to war are legitimate topics for the congress to perform oversight. This is not some investigation on how Bush's old oil company went under right after he sold all his shares. And all of these topics are far more important to the American people than whitewater or the presidents sexual exploits ever were, yet I guess you thought that was relevent.
Hard Driver wrote
What scandel? Let see, this is the man who fired 9 US Attournies and could not explain why. This is the man who lied to congress about it. This is the man who tried to strongarm an incapacitated Attourny General into supporting a program he thought was illegal. This is the man who wrote the memos claiming that the US did not need to abide by the Geneva Convention.

1. The Attorney general has the legal right to fire any US Attorney he wants and there is no law, that I know of, that says that he is required to provide any explanation to anyone. The Democrats made a big stink about it in order to cloud and confuse the issue. The main thing that they wanted was to cause problems for President Bush and to get rid of a conservative Hispanic.

2. You, like most Democrats either intentionally or unknowingly took his memos out of context. He was talking about combatents that were not a part of any nation's army, ie: terrorists. To the best of my knowledge he has not yet been held to be wrong in anyone's eyes other than the Democrats.

You bring up rumors, inuendos and false claims. Has he broken any laws other than to defy the Democrats? If so, why has he not been charged and why isn't he being prosecuted?

As in most cases this "scandel" is nothing more than Democrats twisting the truth and then screaming and pushing their twisted truths so loud and so long that people start to believe.