Ahmadinejad's food stinks up hotel


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad doesn't need nuclear weapons -- his food stinks so bad, he's practically cleared out the Hilton Manhattan East. The finicky fascist brought his own personal chef to prepare his meals while he's in town for the UN General Assembly, a source told The Post's Helen Freund. Unfortunately, his meals "make the whole hotel stink like hell," said the source. The Hilton did not return a call for comment.

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/pagesix/fra...AH1o8sBIL?CMP=OTC-rss&FEEDNAME=#ixzz10Ikl21Vr

Now you see how the Police are biased? Now what if we stink up a Hotel and manager says we gotta leave and we dont? And he called the police and when cops come and we dont obey the Officer he would arrest us with failing to Obey a police officer and resisting arrest. but nooo they wouldnt dare arrest Mahmoud Ahmadinejad because hes dimplomatic imunnity. Thats why i think Maurice Clemmons is a Hero when he gunned down 4 cops in seattle! Cops are biased they only protect themselves with the power of the badge and the code of honor.
Ahmindeedajerk is a nutjob. Who knows what he eats? If it isn't sh*** then it must at least smell as bad.

As for the cops, they don't make up the laws. I'm pretty sure the cop on the beat wouldn't grant diplomatic immunity to a guy like that. They're just following orders.
Ahmindeedajerk is a nutjob. Who knows what he eats? If it isn't sh*** then it must at least smell as bad.

As for the cops, they don't make up the laws. I'm pretty sure the cop on the beat wouldn't grant diplomatic immunity to a guy like that. They're just following orders.

your talking to a guy who just called someone who shot 4 cops a hero...you really think its worth your time to debate?
Just like what happen in Oakland in the spring hes a hero too. Even the protesters call him a hero. Its called KARMA!!! And Karma will get you back.